Second War

The Treated one to Versailles signed in 28 of June of 1919 in France ended the World War I. This treating imposed to total Germany responsibility for the conflict. Amongst the impositions imposed to Germany some points are distinguished: Prohibition of construction of any type of blockhouse in the neighborhoods of the Reno; Devolution of the Alscia-Lorena to France; Respect and recognition the independence of Austria; Recognition of the borders and the independence of the Tchecoslovquia; Recognition of the independence of the territories that are part of the old Russian Empire; The German army will have to be reduced the seven divisions of infantry and three of cavalry, not being able to exceed to a cash of one hundred a thousand men; Germany could not have war navy; Acceptance of the responsibility for the actual damages during the war. For assistance, try visiting Connecticut Senator. These changes imposed to Germany had caused modifications in the map of the Europe. The population was infuriated and ahead rebelled by the humilhaes imposed for treated that it caused damages to its economy and a feeling to revanche it took account of Germany that promoted its revenge in the Second War. The Treated one to Versailles benefited only England and, mainly, France, leaving of side other powers that had participated of the conflict. Amongst these powers it is distinguished Italy, victim of the lack of commitment of the English and Frenchmen, obtaining only one small portion of land that belonged to the desmembrado Austrohungarian Empire, therefore the German colonies had been divided between England and France.

Italy lived under the yoke fascist of Benito Mussolini since 1922. To be able them of Mussolini they had increased still more with the result of the 1924 elections, when the fascists they had gotten 403 of the 599 vacant and Mussolini declared that the elections were not more necessary. ‘ ‘ The young and strong roots of the democracy had been pparently pulled out of the nation.