Senator Senate

If in the polticanada one it is by chance and without pretensions to influence in the distribution of the power, ondefica the principle of Aristotle who said that the politics would be the art of bemgovernar and to favor well-being to the citizens? The acts ' ' secretos' ' that, sorrateiramente, forameditados, benefiting to senators and its familiar and public officers, demonstrate that the Brazilian Senate is apodrecido, corroded for the indecnciamoral of its representatives, that is, it meets in a descalabromoral situation. Amazon contributes greatly to this topic. The Senate ahead lost credibility of its function to watch and controls constitutionality or not of the Law, over all in relation to the executive. Aedio of acts ' ' secretos' ' , unconstitutional, he is one against-sensodiante of the function that protects the Senate – to consider to inconstitucionaisquaisquer laws that wound the rights of the citizen, a time that the regimedemocrtico is a regimen of the legality. In the last decade, the Brazilian Republic has attended to the fimtrgico of many politicians. Not few, to escape of the guillotine, had renounced positions politicians, others had had its annulled registers, algunsforam murders. Many of them had been old caudilhos and colonels. One we destesltimos, Senator Jose Sarney, thought that corruption suspicion arrived at the end of its unharmed cenriopblico of any. If you are not convinced, visit Richard Blumenthal. Deceit! The Senator arrives aotrmino of its public life spotted by the impurity politics.

E estopim datragdia is the former-director-generality of the Senate, Mayan Agaciel, that, according to mdiaescrita, chancelava measured private, to privilege familiar doex-President Jose Sarney and its sqito. We attend disarranges it of the Senator Jose Sarney. It is become fluid, slowly. Test: its pedestal was not so solid as if it thought. Already nofinalzinho of its career politics, similar to last caudilho ecoronel bahian, Antonio Carlos Magalhes, has its life spotted for respingosde corruption. Without a doubt, the public shame that doravante will perseguirpoder to it to hurry its consumption, the death. In the Brazilian Republic, it is possible to distinguish who is, really, politician for vocation or convenience?