Shape Knowledge

It is sometimes difficult to do than to explain. When selecting targets for self-study takes into account primarily age and individual characteristics. Thus, independent work should be seen in the constant improvement of knowledge and skills of students. Skills of self does not come suddenly, they must systematically cultivated. In the educational literature there are different classifications of independent work – for didactic purposes, sources of knowledge, level of productive creativity students. Level of complexity should match the level of knowledge a particular student, and simultaneously contribute to the development of their competence. Tasks should be like to play on the model of knowledge and creativity nature, requiring complex mental operations – analysis, reasoning, your own conclusions.

Forms of organization of independent work can be very diverse: Relate the term to explain the content. Fill in the blanks in sentences. Fill in the table. The solution of the chronological problems. Tasks related to the problematic approach, personality assessment of events. Interpretation of the illustrations.

Organization of work on the title. Organization entry work. Drawing diagrams, drawings, tables, crossword puzzles. Work to develop students' independent thinking should be conducted at all stages of education: when goal-setting, the communication of new material, with comprehension and reinforcement of knowledge, while checking homework. I'll tell you how this work I spend on stage, definition of objectives in studying the topic "The Village" prose B. Shukshina and V. Rasputin: goal-setting Shape: Delayed . – Who are the writers in 1955 went to conquer Moscow, taking with him a thick granary notebook with his stories and, not knowing what is the directing department, handed the documents to become an actor? – Who of writers was born on the banks of the Angara in the village of Ust – Uda, later caught in a flood zone? As this writer reacted to the flooding of their village? (Not every generation has to survive the destruction of the cradle in which to shape it a spiritual being.