
In our lives we must stop living in automatic and flip us to see, do a high, a pause and realize that there are other things more important and appreciate us for who we are and what we feel and do what really inspires us and we are passionate about in life, find our true essence and not allow ourselves to be absorbed by stressanxiety and excessive workloads which often are and feel them as well because we are not in the right place, nor are we doing what we really want, and many times we never in such situations that unfortunately imprison us and don’t let us see beyond or enjoy life. To understand and see from another perspective to stress should know it handle and not to let you go beyond, that does not exceed or control our lives, but if you understand and know that you can manage and live with the and that does not harm our health, be aware that is present in the working environment both in the family and social, but that if we know how to handle it, detect it and know that it is not good nor bad this means that it sometimes we have to feel that stress to react before a dangerous situation and it can be to have real control over situations and that when the stressful situation knowing us control and seek alternative scenarios as relaxation methods that we can make them ourselves and if already that stress has affected our health then seek professional help as a psychologist or therapist to help us and teach us relaxation techniques or learn by ourselves and knowing that time apply them, knowing that do in a situation of stress and it is impossible to eliminate stress from our lives so we must learn to live with, knowing it controlled and monitored, be aware that to do this we must also learn to eat and having a healthy state optimum and not risk more and harm our health, look for other alternatives, do activities that we relax like going out with the familyfriends, make the hobby that we like or practise some sport but look for new alternatives that we relax and make us forget the stress, this is very important because we must clear our mind and be fully healthy in all aspects to give the best of us in our working environment, not distract us and pay a hundred and likewise give the best to our family and loved ones.