Workers Superintendent

Who denounces, fight for the preservation of the environment is who suffers and tumbles with ' ' agricultural crime organizado' ' or it suffers being victim of a governmental eminence incapable to stimulate one politics of changes for the current picture. The national association of the servers of MDA (SINDSEP-DF) already announced that in day 16 of June, the servers will be of crossed arms. The stop is part of the day of fights for improvements in the work conditions and wages. Recently in the position of President Nacional of the INCRA (Serving of the house), Celso Lacerda, the new head will have a great challenge for the front, to reorganize a complex and questioned agency, almost that the time all. Enlace in a structural crisis, the INCRA? discouraged and plastered for the bureaucracy? figure as the spring master of the lethargy that lives the Agrarian Reformation in all Domestic territory. The choice of a national Superintendent ' ' silver of casa' ' to command the INCRA, it points a new horizon searched for the government, to guarantee a profile technician to direct the institution, however, this new route that searchs the government is prominent for what already it is of rule, mainly in relation to the indications of the Superintendents in the States, therefore, the indicated ones for the position they appear of the old politics of ' ' fraction interna' ' of the Party of the Workers. In alagoas, the situation does not run away the scratch, without a management based on the planning, its performance did not obtain to improve its qualities in the execution of the demands of the agrarian reform in the State. The supervision of the INCRA Alagoas, since the government Squid, passed for the command in the agency; an agronomist (Mrio Agra), architect (Gino Cesar), professor (Gilbert Coutinho), and the secundarista former-leader (Estevam Oliveira, current temporary superintendent), and who will be the superintendent now? We are in the sixth month of 2011 and since January that the social movements wait, namely, who really will go to assume the folder in the State.