Social Sciences

On this affirmation, Almeida (1998, p.19) declares that the positivismo acted as a lawyer in favor of the equality of education between men and women, however this equality was differentiated in its objectives, therefore it was not last end of the education for the women who these played wage-earning function. In this context, under the pressure of the industrial demand for qualification, the woman found in the teaching the door for its remunerated performance, therefore it was acceptable that the woman exerted a work that implied to take care of of somebody comparing its profession with the maternal priesthood. (id, p.32), vision this that would come to bring damages the valuation of the teaching while profession. ' ' (…) the entrance of the woman in the teaching provoked in imaginary the social one and the professional constitution of the category, an increasing social depreciation and salarial' ' (FONTANA and TUMOLO, 2005, p.2). Studies of Guimares (2003, p.18) show that it enters 40 years 30 and the image of the teacher assumes a connotation a little more professional with denominations as: ' ' educadora' ' , ' ' professional of education, ' ' ' ' workers of educao.' ' The author still affirms that to attend a course the Normal one (name given to the teaching course), it became maximum formation intended for the women.

This time also was marked by the massive entrance of women in Superior Ensino, mainly in the courses of Social Sciences. Without leaving the perspective of the thematic one argued on the woman and the education, intentionally one cut in the subject becomes to weave important consideraes on the working situation of the woman in Brazil that in this context passed for advances. As Mendes (1999, p.234) through the Decreto21. 417-A of 17/05/1932 that it among others regulated the work of the woman and measures, brought the prohibition to exert unhealthy, laborious or dangerous works, also foresaw license of four weeks before and after-childbirth as well as place of guard of the nursing children.