The Agricultural

Amazonian Afronteira which Becker affirms above, in which the capital goes impondopleno control in the formation of the Amazonian space establishes ' ' new coordenadas' ' so to speak, that they print new Nessecaso in question valley to point out in lower court that the national elites eas national companies (even so they had the objective to create companies with capitalnacional) had a legislation that she allowed to the presence of investments and foreign ousociedades, flexibilizando the legislation and allowing associaode foreign transnational corporations with the national companies – and emsegunda instance for the model to tripolar between the government, the national empresasinternacionais and elites and the institutions you would bank that if favorecemcom legislaes produced with purposes you specify that for its criampolticas times you publish tendenciosas and total bring damages without precedents incurring quaseque into state of social exclusion, according to BECKER (1997). The autoranos> modelotrip described for BECKER (1997) if benefit mutually excluding desseprocesso the population that lived in entorno of the companies who fixed for todaa Amazon region. Saying still to sobreos historical and occupational processes of the Amaznia authors REYDON MUNIZ (1982), add that the occupation of the Amaznia, were tied aosfenmenos geopolitical and economic decurrent basically of substances-primaspara the external market, corroborating with the ideas of Becker. They affirm that at as a moment, aocupao passes to be defined by the necessity of territorial expansion defronteiras to take care of> contingents of populations agricultural exceeding, donordeste, south and Southeastern of Brazil, with described causes for some authors, quevo since the phenomena of the droughts, mechanization of the agricultural production, danecessidade of search of the speculation space and or survival all concatenated essassituaes give to sufficiently proper characteristics the region assimcomo the diversities and inaqualities between the regions (grifo mine). We will see logoa to follow that the Brazilian government is bigger responsible for the creation of polticaspublicas and projects in the Amazon region. .