Music Sales Plummeted

The market for physical disks is the main affected, while the digital continues to grow but at one much lower level than in 2010. The revolution of streaming is the new ally of the digital market. The producers cast the blame for the decline in sales to piracy and the absence of a law that is able to stop the illegal downloads. The record market fell dramatically in the first half of 2011. At least, this follows a report by Promusicae, Association integrated by Spanish producers of music. According to their data, sales been recorded an accumulated drop of 18,69% so far this year over the same period of the previous fiscal year.

To account for the setback suffered by the business, Promusicae provides some figures. Thus, they point out that the volume of sales of recorded music in Spain in 2011 has resulted in 62.5 million euros compared to the 125,5 obtained during the first six months of 2008, or 250 million recorded in the first years of the Decade. However, not all the products have suffered this crisis the same way: while the physical market has fallen to critical levels according to the Organization, which estimates that decreased by 30.5% during the current year, the digital continues to grow although at one lower level than in 2010 (the growth has happened in a year of 30% to 15.4%). Streaming, the favorite model of the digital market users also has a new ally in the streaming (type Spotify in its free version) services. Although revenue by this route are less profitable (about 10 million euros in 2011), the model has experienced a spectacular rise of 303%, consolidating itself as the favorite system of consuming legal users of Internet music.

Concerning the causes of the decline in sales, Promusicae says openly to piracy. It is simply that the Spaniards have grown accustomed to not paying for access to music, gives the same format in which it is consumed, denounces its President, Antonio Guisasola, who also claims a law which fails to regularise the music distribution. The law Sinde arrives late. In reality, still has not come, ensures, without law or concert against illegal downloads, the contents are still going through the network () and nobody can act. Lastly, the Organization regrets that the passivity of the Government has led to a popular imagery in which the music has no value and the profiteers who spread it are seen as liberators of culture rather than parasites that are really.

Juan Karlos Izagirre

Juan Karlos Izagirre believes that the decision on the dissolution of the terrorist organization itself will take it and that its recent steps have been properly valued. The Mayor insists that it maintains City Hall doors open to a group of victims that the wounds not close false. To me there is still a political arena that denies me the greeting, he explains. In the future scenario that contemplates the Bildu Coalition, ETA has no place. So the Mayor of San Sebastian, Juan Karlos Izagirre, which assured that the decision on the dissolution of the terrorist group would take by the Organization itself has expressed it.

I do not know how will reach that, Izagirre has explained in an interview in El Diario Vasco, adding that the recent steps taken by ETA have been very well assessed from the majority of Basque society and internationally. The Mayor insists that it maintains the Town Hall doors open to the collective of victims, despite plante of the last week, since, in his view, the fundamental so that wounds are closing and not false, is that all participate. It has also highlighted that it will study the convenience of attending acts of homage to murdered by ETA, since possibly attend an act according with which people can be counterproductive.If I invite you to an Act and go to him aid in the standardization process, it will go, we will have to assess it. But to me there is still a political arena that denies me greeting, has indicated. It has rrido to the project of the House of peace, which boosted and inaugurated his predecessor Odon Elorza, to affirm that you want to open it to those who are working for peace, within the process of political normalisation that we live.