American Red Cross

EP singer will allocate this amount to the American Red Cross. If not for New York: the Lower East Side, Harlem, the Bronx or Brooklyn, wouldn’t the woman nor the artist I am today, Lady Gaga has ensured. The celebrities are taking a step forward to collaborate in the work of reconstruction required after the passage of Hurricane Sandy on the East coast of the United States.Lady Gaga has announced on their website that will donate one million dollars (more than 780,000 euros) to the American Red Cross for this purpose. The same Lady Gaga explains on its website: if not for New York: the Lower East Side, Harlem, the Bronx or Brooklyn, would not be the woman or the artist I am today. New York is the relentless ambition, a place where there is a natural quest for diversity. Continuous release saying please accept this gift in my name, my parents Joe and Cynthia and my sister Natali, with our deep gratitude to New York for hosting us. Thank you for helping me build my spirit, now I’m gonna to rebuild yours. It is clear that this donation will be very well received, since as said Gail McGovern, President of the Cruz Roja, this is one of the biggest operations of relief of the Red Cross in five years. Insurance than citizens of New York, or non-fans of the singer, celebrate this news. See more: Lady Gaga donates one million dollars for those affected by the hurricane Sandy

Parliament British Contestant

Sally Bercow has starred in other controversies, as when she posed naked with a sheet outside the headquarters of the Parliament for a magazine. The President of the House of Commons asked his wife to not appear in the program, but she did turn a deaf ear. It will donate part of the money to an organization dedicated to autism. The wife of the President of the British Parliament, John Bercow, is one of the participants of the big brother of the famous program, which premiered on British television. Sally Bercow, 41 years old and recently posed naked with a sheet outside the headquarters of the Parliament, will participate in the program along with the actress and model Pamela Anderson or the musician Bobby Brown. The formula of the big brother of the famous, like celebrity big brother Spanish, is confined for several weeks a group of well-known characters in a House, where you are subjected to tests and voting of viewers who choose who should be expelled. To know more about this subject visit Connecticut Senator. The television appearance of the always controversial Sally Bercow has shocked to the British press and members of the conservative party, that owns her husband, unlike her, which is labour. According to the evening newspaper Evening Standard, the President of the House of Commons asked his wife to not appear in the program, but Sally did turn a deaf ear to the pleas of John Bercow and will appear tonight on channel Five British television with the rest of the contestants.

In this sense, the public relations of famous Max Clifford explained that Sally knows that he will be criticized, and this is one of the main attractions for her to participate in the program. It is not the first time that Sally Bercow gives the note for his unusual behavior. In February, she posed for a magazine, naked and covered with a sheet, opposite the Palace of Westminser to talk about the erotic power, which shocked the British political class. The parliamentary conservative Rob Wilson commented, after it was revealed his participation in the program, that John Bercow said he wanted restore the respect and dignity to Parliament in its manifesto as President. I am not sure that the fact that his wife out in the most tacky program of television is helping to do this. Sally will donate part of the money received to an organization dedicated to autism sponsored by herself, whose eldest son suffers from such disabilities. It is not the first time that the policy is interspersed with this reality show, that in 2009 the George Galloway labour exdiputado was one of the contestants, something that greatly undermined his popularity.

Rubalcaba Political

The appointment today of the Socialist candidate for the Presidency of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, was with the parliamentarians of his party. And at home, in the headquarters of the PSOE in the calle de Ferraz in Madrid. There, the applicant has explained to representatives and Senators how wants to be the program that will lead to the election of 20-N, and whose content will be discussed at the political conference that will be held at end of month (between September 30 and October 2). But he has warned them you can not make a classic program, but that it must be consistent with the current economic situation, and the financial situation that has been experienced in recent months forcing a deeper reflection than did himself on July 9, when he presented his candidacy. Source of the news:: Rubalcaba will itemize their promises to escape the “political illusion”

Definitive Solution the platform antidesahucios PAH requires paralyze the evictions, to establish a retroactive payment in kind and social rents. The en will be in the Genoa Street, outside the headquarters of the PP at 1230 hours. The PAH requires that the moratorium be applied if the cause of non-payment is caused. Rajoy announced the cessation of evictions for vulnerable families. The platform for people affected by the mortgage (PAH) has convened an acampada coinciding with the meeting between the PP and the PSOE to give a solution to foreclosures.

The Platform wants to hear and claim that all measures deven passing by halt the evictions, to establish a retroactive payment in kind and social rents. The en is convened in the Genoa Street, opposite the headquarters of the Popular Party at 1230 hours. The PAH considers moratorium on which work PP and PSOE unacceptable if only applies to the proceedings not yet initiated. Thus, this measure would not affect foreclosures that are already in progress and therefore would out to hundreds of thousands of families who are already immersed in the procedure. Since the PAH, we demand the immediate cessation of all evictions affecting families, provided in the case of residence and good faith debtors, they asked in a statement. The PAH requires that the moratorium applies to all families provided that the cause of the failure to pay is sever and provided that in the case of residence.These and not others are the only acceptable criteria.

The platform takes 4 years warning about the situation, making visible the problem and working on the proposals, despite which no has been convened to query. In its statement added that up to the judges, the EU and UN also have criticised the Spanish foreclosure procedure. The scourge of evictions is breaking lives and literally destroying families, ensures the PAH, which criticizes both PP and PSOE have had plenty of occasions to tackle this indentation and they have not done so. To the PAH no publicity measures worth nor minor modifications in the articles. The PAH does not accept rebates, or mincing electoralistas/populist. So we want everything and we want it now. Our demands are clear, indivisible and non-negotiable: stoppage of all evictions of residence in the case of debtors in good faith.Retroactive payment in kind. Conversion of the housing stock which accumulate the financial entities in a public park for social rent. they add. These demands will arrive soon in the Congress of Deputies through an ILP (legislative Popular initiative) that have already signed more than half a million citizens.

EE UU President

He spoke on the social network on the economy and employment. Not to increase the debt ceiling would trigger a whole new spiral that it would lead to a second recession in EE UU or something worse, he warned Obama. He is not willing to cut essential health or education programs. The U.S. President, Barack Obama, approached Wednesday younger voters abroad during their first conversation on the Twitter social network from the White House that revolved around the economy and employment. The event, as it could not be less, began with a message from the President on Twitter. Recortariais expenses and investments mantendriais to reduce the deficit?, asked Obama to his followers in a message sent from a computer connected to a screen in which the questions of the participants were projected live.

The President sat down then back to the screen and against the co-founder of Twitter Jack Dorsey, moderator of the meeting, attended, among several others, users of the social network. Obama used the occasion to emphasize his vision for the future of the country to the dnder investment in renewable energy and education. The countries that will evolve well are those who are committed continuously with education, said the President during a time of the gathering. He took the opportunity, also, to talk about one of the most burning issues of the moment: on the debt ceiling, that Congress should expand before Aug. 2 so that the Government can continue to pay their bills. Obama said that the idea that the country may declare a default on its debt is irresponsible and warned that doing so could cause the country to fall back into recession or something worse. Not to increase the debt ceiling in 14,29 trillions of dollars would trigger all a new spiral that would translate into a second recession in EE UU or something worse warned Obama.

Last February

To this must be added the obstacles encountered by many people for being in an irregular situation or lack the resources to obtain bank guarantees, the precariousness of the majority of the salaries, and the high price of rents. The impossibility of accessing the residential market leads to this situation of the sublease and the disproportion between the number of occupants and a habitable surface. The landlord decided to lease your home in these circumstances obtained huge profits with this business, without taking into account nor to people who sleep under that roof or to the other neighbors of the property. The difficult coexistence the coexistence of a large number of people in a confined space has resulted in the constant transit of persons entering and leaving the portal, at different times, with copies of keys that are not controlled, with additional hygiene problems in the common areas, noise, feeling of insecurity, etc. They are factors that give rise to the coexistence with the neighborhood will suffer. The patera floor is usually born with the consent of the landlord, although sometimes this is also victim. The veteran of the floor can sublet it without having communicated. Front of both cases, the best solution through an action exercised by the community of owners, prior agreement in the neighborhood Committee, which is based on article 7(2) of the Horizontal property law. This standard allows the cessation of the use of a property if the President of the community, after Board of owners, calls him and credited the courts. Last February, PSOE and ERC-IU-ICV parliamentary groups rejected on congressional consideration of a reform of the law of protection of data to enable the owners of a property access to the Municipal register to check listed individuals registered in the owned property, so as to avoid homes for rent are used as patera flats of immigrants. Source of the news: patera apartments, a phenomenon still real and difficult to solve

Music Sales Plummeted

The market for physical disks is the main affected, while the digital continues to grow but at one much lower level than in 2010. The revolution of streaming is the new ally of the digital market. The producers cast the blame for the decline in sales to piracy and the absence of a law that is able to stop the illegal downloads. The record market fell dramatically in the first half of 2011. At least, this follows a report by Promusicae, Association integrated by Spanish producers of music. According to their data, sales been recorded an accumulated drop of 18,69% so far this year over the same period of the previous fiscal year.

To account for the setback suffered by the business, Promusicae provides some figures. Thus, they point out that the volume of sales of recorded music in Spain in 2011 has resulted in 62.5 million euros compared to the 125,5 obtained during the first six months of 2008, or 250 million recorded in the first years of the Decade. However, not all the products have suffered this crisis the same way: while the physical market has fallen to critical levels according to the Organization, which estimates that decreased by 30.5% during the current year, the digital continues to grow although at one lower level than in 2010 (the growth has happened in a year of 30% to 15.4%). Streaming, the favorite model of the digital market users also has a new ally in the streaming (type Spotify in its free version) services. Although revenue by this route are less profitable (about 10 million euros in 2011), the model has experienced a spectacular rise of 303%, consolidating itself as the favorite system of consuming legal users of Internet music.

Concerning the causes of the decline in sales, Promusicae says openly to piracy. It is simply that the Spaniards have grown accustomed to not paying for access to music, gives the same format in which it is consumed, denounces its President, Antonio Guisasola, who also claims a law which fails to regularise the music distribution. The law Sinde arrives late. In reality, still has not come, ensures, without law or concert against illegal downloads, the contents are still going through the network () and nobody can act. Lastly, the Organization regrets that the passivity of the Government has led to a popular imagery in which the music has no value and the profiteers who spread it are seen as liberators of culture rather than parasites that are really.

Australian Samantha Stosur

The Javea won via fast to Jarkko Nieminen (6-3, 6-3, 6-1). Ruben Ramirez Hidalgo gave the surprise by eliminating to Croatian Marin Cilic. The alicantinian won in three sets before the Balkan by 7-6, 6-4, 6-4. The Spanish players David Ferrer and Ruben Ramirez Hidalgo have started on the right foot at Roland Garros, second Grand Slam of the season which started this Sunday in Paris, and have gotten into second round after undo the Finn Jarkko Nieminen and Croatian Marin Cilic, respectively. Ferrer, seeded seventh, was the first bookmark to jump to the Parisian Earth in the tournament and made it to resolve fast-track its commitment against Nieminen, who could add just seven games (6-3, 6-3, 6-1).

In its third direct confrontation of the year (a victory for every one to date), the Spanish took less than an hour and a half to achieve the pass. The first two sets were almost a carbon copy of half-hour. In the first, Ferrer broke his opponent in the fourth service game and second managed two breaks. The Finnish, powerless before the very top set of the player in Javea, just he opposed resistance in the third leg, which lasted 22 minutes. After this placid debut, Ferrer will face in the second round to Julian Benneteau or Rui Machado.

For his part, Ruben Ramirez Hidalgo starred in the first big surprise of the tournament by eliminating to Marin Cilic, 19th seeded (7-6, 6-4, 6-4). Balkan, weighed down by 67 not forced errors, succumbed to the fortress of the Spanish, who put the powerful serve of his opponent well and could be measured in the second round to compatriot Albert Montanes. In addition, in the female box, Australian Samantha Stosur, finalist at Roland Garros last year, began the tournament smoothly, with an unquestionable victory against Czech Iveta Benesova (6-2, 6-3). Source of the news: Ferrer and Ruben Ramirez begin with force Roland Garros

Messi Surpasses Pele

Second footballer than most goals marked in one calendar year, after Muller. Argentine striker of Barcelona, Lionel Messi, exceeded at the Iberostar Stadium in Palma, in Majorca, 75 goals that marked Brazilian Edson Arantes do Nascimento Pele in 1958, to sign a doublet that puts you with 76 goals scored in 2012. Messi has beaten O Rei registration against the Balearic set, to be the author of the 0-2 (min.44) and (min.70) 2-4 in a win that result from his team in Mallorca. Thus, the flea is already the second footballer to most goals marked in a calendar year. The first is still the German front Torpedo Gerd Muller, who scored 85 targets in 1972. Leo Messi continues breaking records and is among the top ten scorers in the history of the League. See more: Messi surpasses Pele and already adds 76 goals in 2012.

Juan Karlos Izagirre

Juan Karlos Izagirre believes that the decision on the dissolution of the terrorist organization itself will take it and that its recent steps have been properly valued. The Mayor insists that it maintains City Hall doors open to a group of victims that the wounds not close false. To me there is still a political arena that denies me the greeting, he explains. In the future scenario that contemplates the Bildu Coalition, ETA has no place. So the Mayor of San Sebastian, Juan Karlos Izagirre, which assured that the decision on the dissolution of the terrorist group would take by the Organization itself has expressed it.

I do not know how will reach that, Izagirre has explained in an interview in El Diario Vasco, adding that the recent steps taken by ETA have been very well assessed from the majority of Basque society and internationally. The Mayor insists that it maintains the Town Hall doors open to the collective of victims, despite plante of the last week, since, in his view, the fundamental so that wounds are closing and not false, is that all participate. It has also highlighted that it will study the convenience of attending acts of homage to murdered by ETA, since possibly attend an act according with which people can be counterproductive.If I invite you to an Act and go to him aid in the standardization process, it will go, we will have to assess it. But to me there is still a political arena that denies me greeting, has indicated. It has rrido to the project of the House of peace, which boosted and inaugurated his predecessor Odon Elorza, to affirm that you want to open it to those who are working for peace, within the process of political normalisation that we live.