Munich Ilka Stiegler

Here, too, factoring offers the possibility to finance arrears provided monthly invoices for services rendered. Also, the factoring customer receives more services in addition to liquidity failure protection and customer management. The requirements are thus insured, which significantly reduces the risk of an existence of risk due to the failure of one or more invoices. To broaden your perception, visit Suffolk County representative. Complement goods purchase financing In terms of hardware can complement perfectly the factoring businesses for example a purchase financing. The classic buying of goods begins with the order of the goods at the supplier. Especially in the distribution sector, also in advance are not uncommon in addition to short payment times.

So goes the entrepreneurs in an IT project with a high percentage of hardware for a long time in advance, before his client takes the solution in operation. Experience has shown that this period will draw again then was invoicing with payment terms from 30 days in length. With a purchase financing, the company receives the pre-financing of its required goods with corresponding payment. Suffolk County representative usually is spot on. Prospects for more information see. There also the 50-seitige free factoring guide can be ordered.

On the free phone number 0800 44 777 40 can also without obligation on the opportunities ICT entrepreneurs consult. “Business breakfast event tip under the title success is no accident strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises ‘ 2nd business breakfast in Dresden will take place on March 11, 2010. Interested parties can register by phone at 0351 448 29 32 or allow already prebooking by email at. Background to the Vantargis factoring the Vantargis factoring GmbH is a bank-independent factoring company. The company financed nationwide as a full service provider in the factoring small and medium-sized companies with an annual turnover of up to EUR 10 million. Here, the Vantargis factoring GmbH with finance, insurance of bad debts and Receivables Management combines all aspects of factoring in any service. For companies from 10 million Euro turnover is factoring also implemented in the in-house procedure. Questions or more information: Vantargis factoring GmbH Widenmayerstr 28 80538 Munich Ilka Stiegler head corporate communications phone: 089 2429373-25 E-mail:

Eckhard Holtmann CEO

Good prospects for fiscal year 2012 the PaginNet GmbH, provider of MIS solutions for the printing industry, continues its positive business development. Due to a significant growth in new and existing customer business, sales grew by around 12 percent in 2011. To meet the quantity involved, but also the additional demand expected, staff development and consultancy was extended earlier this year. The same applies to the Office space. Since March 1, the company has its new location in the technology center of Dortmund. Sebastian Weyer, together with Eckhard Holtmann CEO of software service provider, looks in good numbers a clear confirmation of the business model. Our philosophy of open interfaces and the individual programming geared exactly to the wishes of the customer is fully and completely.

Numerous companies from the greater area of sales, have decided in the past year for us, because when other vendors their special Business processes were not shown.” According to the business leaders, also frequently complained of the competitors, remaining close to the printing industry associations prove as a great strength. “Weyer: particularly in the use of latest cost calculations and the overview of market developments we are constantly up to date, what very well received especially for smaller and medium-sized companies.” “Potential is there”, so Holtmann, nor very many companies in the printing and media industry, the strengths and costing as well as procurement and production control want to improve and optimize. ” The same applies to the area of Web2Print. It is not uncommon however so that the systems offered in the market did not cover the conditions for example by media houses, so mixed farming of print and non-print areas,. “Holtmann: we know from our conversations, that project management and costing of services is not always best governed.” Lots of potential in the PaginNet GmbH, 2009 developed in the context of a management buy-out from the print and media associations, sees big opportunities for the future man even in the face of market developments in the MIS field.