The Maranho

The irregularity in the stations, with rigorous winters brought a bigger aggravation to the crisis; moreover, the railway line was damaged. years that had followed, dries, to get worse the situation. The central device was, in these conditions without substance suppliers cousin, and, therefore, soldier on barrack duty to function. Being vendido for third and resold for the Company Agricultural Progress, that also was to the bought at auction bankruptcy and in auctions for banks in the value of 90 stories, and, in a process of resales that if followed, arriving 750 stories. Through the state law n 800, of 22 of March de1918 aantiga colony where the related device was situated (today in ruins), was raised to the category of village and later by the law n 1052, of 10 of April of 1923, this village was raised to the category of known city as: They are Peter. Later, for the state decree n 75, of 22 of April of 1931, the city was extinct. After that reestablished for the decree n 121, of 12 of June of the same year. From then on, the city did not stop to grow.

In the decade of 60, the city of Is Peter had that to more than yield 50% of its lands for creation of the cities of Saint Ines and Santa Luzia. Emerso in a context bigger, Maranho, is important to emphasize that, from the decade of 20 the economic picture passed for a small alteration proceeding from the migratory flow northeastern, decurrent of droughts and economic crises, deciding partially the problem of the man power lack. The Maranho is concluded, therefore, that in the first half of century XX it continued with its primary aspects of subject production the fluctuations of the world-wide market. In the process of alteration of the economic picture, products previously considered of tip go to give place to babau and to the rice.