Without Motivation

Democracy: ' ' government of the people; popular sovereignty; democratismo' ' , concept according to Aurlio. When hearing this word, certainly comes in them to the somewhat familiar mind, it could not be of another form when we are in a characterized country democratic and whose value is remembered in them constantly. But, when hearing the concept, perhaps let us not make familiar in them in such a way thus. Such conceptual words do not configure the reality in our country, thus distanciando of this universal definition and creating a proper conception of what it is the democracy played here. Historically, we can say that the democracy never had a legitimate society. Coming back toward its ' ' bero' ' in old Greece, we come across in them with a society where the citizens could decide directly on the subjects of its interest, having right of speaking and voting its laws, beyond acting as governing. However, for the Greeks, citizens were all the people little women, slaves and foreigners and this implied, at the time, in 98% of the population.

This it did not configure not even the concept that had at the time, according to Aristotle, of whom democracy is a government form where the decisions politics are taken directly by the people and not for its representatives; therefore until then, it had representatives (2% of the population). Coming back us again toward ours ' ' lar' ' , Brazil. A country that since its first steps is marked by the submission, alienation and repression, ' ' preconceitos' ' these that are reflected you are welcome more than what of the social inaquality. High, average classroom, low and even though without classroom; these denominations are fruits of the reality, this that finishes for characterizing each one of them how much to the access to the education, feeding, health and to the corporeal properties.