United States

The meeting of the Rivers Negro and Solimes shows contrasts that go beyond the spectacle of the nature. We have many natural wealth but in the lack intelligence to usufruct. Of the Amaznia to the daily pay-salt ' ' boom' ' of the moment. The United States already are marking territory. the flora, dizem' ' migrar' ' distant places and to return molded to be consumed in its native land. We make use of it and nor we perceive how much it is familiar. the nibio, valuable natural element, found in our territory for us pass unfurnished but to others not! Now would hidropirataria it comes it.

It makes the ballast (weight so that the ship creates stability) in the ships with waters of the river Amazon. This is the objective. End point for the truth. Beginning of the myth. But when arriving at the destination they perceive that it is more than a ballast, and as wastefulness it is sin because not ' ' to stone ouro' ' to vender it? Consequentemente stabilizes it other people’s economy.

Ah! If Victria queen was possible would hinder that they burlassem in waters where it exuberant victory regal mark presence as symbol of the Amaznia. They do not respect nor the done homage the English crown. If it will be truth will enter in the guideline of debates politicians, will turn same promise that later turns myth. That in them they exempt of myths therefore they are immortal.

Without Motivation

Democracy: ' ' government of the people; popular sovereignty; democratismo' ' , concept according to Aurlio. When hearing this word, certainly comes in them to the somewhat familiar mind, it could not be of another form when we are in a characterized country democratic and whose value is remembered in them constantly. But, when hearing the concept, perhaps let us not make familiar in them in such a way thus. Such conceptual words do not configure the reality in our country, thus distanciando of this universal definition and creating a proper conception of what it is the democracy played here. Historically, we can say that the democracy never had a legitimate society. Coming back toward its ' ' bero' ' in old Greece, we come across in them with a society where the citizens could decide directly on the subjects of its interest, having right of speaking and voting its laws, beyond acting as governing. However, for the Greeks, citizens were all the people little women, slaves and foreigners and this implied, at the time, in 98% of the population.

This it did not configure not even the concept that had at the time, according to Aristotle, of whom democracy is a government form where the decisions politics are taken directly by the people and not for its representatives; therefore until then, it had representatives (2% of the population). Coming back us again toward ours ' ' lar' ' , Brazil. A country that since its first steps is marked by the submission, alienation and repression, ' ' preconceitos' ' these that are reflected you are welcome more than what of the social inaquality. High, average classroom, low and even though without classroom; these denominations are fruits of the reality, this that finishes for characterizing each one of them how much to the access to the education, feeding, health and to the corporeal properties.


Portugal is in daily pay national insolvency and the responsibility is of all the intervening Portuguese politicians, had its incapacity and incompetence to generate the solutions, that the country complains the much time. I have said this many times. The problem is that the classroom politics does not want to abdicate of the shameful excesses, that enjoy and of its established benefits, over all, in the nets of installed and taken root traffic of influence, around the public thing. An unfair competition in our country exists. The verborreia produced in the electoral campaign does not have any interest, the rhetoric is envolta in perversities and lies, in vanities suspicion, that contrast with a full Portugal of poverty and unemployment.

The misery went down the streets the unimaginable levels, the expectations of oldest and of youngest they had beaten in the deep one. The country needs to break some eggs to obtain itself to make one omeleta. All we know many failures, but little we learn with them. It is very difficult to learn with the errors of the others. The way is more easy, she will be the same person to fail and to try of new. We would have to learn much more with the failure of what with the success, that is, most of the time is necessary to pass for failure, to arrive at the success. We must exactly remove better lies for our life, of the failure of what of the success.

We can and we must fail, but always in direco to the future. We live times that require much courage, of form to fight against everything and all, to start for the political parties, the installed interests, the traffic of influences, the excesses gained for some barons of this country, route to a new country where the values, the ethics and the truth reign, for good of our Portugal. We must hinder the one that the programmed insolvency, for our country, does not have place and through the work, pride and collective capacity let us be capable, to projectar a better future for the young. The country needs arrepiar consciences route to the success through failure, that is, beats in the deep one, now only it remains in them to look at top and to start the walked one, but without committing the same errors of the past and believing our capacities and qualities.


Many times, the escape for the misery has been the marginality and the traffic, that only grow in the great cities. The rich ones in turn, of the time of that law involuntarily (or not ) discriminatory for here, they had only made to extend its rights on the society and the means of production, being made with that the country grew its bel-pleasure. Such growth for one only classroom, makes with that the people, jammed, it appeals the unconstitutional ways to try to leave a misery situation, so accented for them. However, the rich ones in Brazil are not equal to the rich ones of the remaining portion of the world. This if of, mainly, because of two aspects. The first one, is the fact of them to live in a country, dirty, of third world, with one of the worse distributions of income of the world, a IDH baixssimo and with an accented violence. As it is, without a doubt, what more it bothers this classroom: the rich Brazilians cannot exhibit the proper wealth.

They live in gorgeous mansions, with gardens and swimming pools. However, if they hide behind walls not to suffer from the evil that same they had created. They walk with particular security, fearing assaults; they armor its cars the same fearing. If the ostentation of the wealth is one of the main aspects of the privileged classrooms, would be really rich they? Not. A classroom that if hides of the differences instead of fighting them, that it prefers to act with violence to fight proper violence, that only wants to grow and if to isolate of what in fact it is Brazil, is not a rich classroom, never will be. The recognition of the guilt for the violence that they themselves suffer is the first and great step to be given to route the perfect harmony between all the classrooms. They to be rich in fact, need to breach the walls separate that them of the remaining portion of the country, and to make of its half rubbles so that if she builds a new nation. For that if they say rich, to be rich in fact, they must finish with the mourning and the fear poor them and of the violence, that, as already it was said, is blames only of them exclusively. Brazil is entirely poor, and poor person will be until the rich ones finish with its characteristic egoism.

In Memory of Raul Seixas

In memory of Raul Seixas, whom he would be completing plus a spring today, 28 of July. ‘ ‘ While the men exert its rotten ones to be able To die and to kill of hunger, anger and headquarters They are as many times natural gestures ‘ ‘ (Stretch of music ‘ ‘ Rotten Poderes’ ‘ , of CaetanoVeloso) ‘ ‘ My good, but when the life forceing in We will ask for the good God who helps in them We will speak for the life: Life, steps on devagar/My well-taken care of heart is fragile; my heart is as glass, as a novel kiss? Perhaps/My good, you can understand my solitude my sound and my fury and this haste of living and this skill to always leave of side the certainty (…) ‘ ‘ (Stretch of music ‘ ‘ Selvagem’ heart; ‘ , of Belchior) We live shady times. Of the beginning of this year, until today, already we live deeply how many natural catastrophes this way? It is the revenge of the nature, that reacts cataclismicamente, reducing the largeness rubbish, changing back lives and hopes. In all the regions of the Country were thus? in Cove and the Mount of the Bumba, in Rio De Janeiro, north-eastern almost all, in So Paulo, that already is an announced trajdia, all summer, in Santa Catarina and, more recently, in the Rio Grande Do Sul. In these occasions, the media makes question to say that it is the force of the nature, to be able that them public, in the majority of the cases, could not make nothing, and shows to the vulnerability and the terror of the common people, of the people, in way to the crossed fire of a battle of giants.

Central Committee

After formed in Philosophy, it goes to act in the education where it has active participation in all the movements of interest of the professors and the education. After that, if it specializes in education and it makes mestrado in Sciences Politics and it helps to construct the Sectorial one of Education of the PSOL and writes an article series criticizing the estagnada education applied in Brazil and the Bahia and the disrespect with that it is dealt on professor and professionals it.Therefore, the candidacy of Cardozo Professor the representative, represents a great fact for the classroom and the rediscusso of a wage floor of the professor who, in fact, is beyond the importance of the classroom. Evidently, this can help in our fight in the State and allowing to a balance much more concrete politician them of what it has made Severiano Alves and Alice Portugal that they are not educators and, therefore, does not know our yearnings. Finally, the Sectorial one of Education of the PSOL indicates and launches the name of companionable PROFESSOR CARDOZO the REPRESENTATIVE to represent the party, the SECTORIAL one OF EDUCATION and, consequently, on professionals it in the elections of October of 2010 in the Bahia, by that it was said, for its history of fight and for its professional, academic preparation and of classroom, Cardozo Professor it is our federal one in the Bahia of the resistance. Our conditions are others, but therefore let us not must have little historical patience and ability politics. Cardozo professor is the representation of the two. so that this project ours to have a true representative in the parliament has success, is necessary that each one of us pedagogical and excessively professional professors, on coordinators the education makes its part. to make our partit simply does not mean to vote not, is necessary much more.

We have that to dress shirt, to take this message for each room, for each school, for each friend, relative, neighbor and, mainly, to work the importance that is to have representative class representatives in the parliament, therefore, is there that the things happen and not only in the corridors of the colleges. Our victory is resulted of our fight to dare is to fight, to dare is to be successful. Cardozo professor representative! In defense of the Education and on professionals it and for a Socialist and Democratic Left! 1 Preface to the edition of 1895 of Fight of Classrooms in France, Karl Marx. 2 We must boycott Of a State one?Published in January of 1906 as a pamphlet to the Central Committee and the Meeting of the Central Committee of the Laboring Party Social democrat Russian.

Election Polarization

The attempt of polarization of the 2010 elections, between PSDB and PT and the choices of its candidates (), and the expectation on the routes that the true left must follow are the facts that center the attentions in the conjuncture politics of the country. This attempt of polarization of the elections between PSDB and PT and the not governmental cooptao of the social movements, unions and organizations for part of the current government is factors complicadores for the left. They come to still add itself, the disorganization and lack of agglutinated option of the true left in parties PSOL, PSTU and PCB that, the main name for the electoral dispute had in Heloisa Helena, with certain viability to polarize the elections with the candidates of the right. This picture is closely on with the crisis of the socialism even so has had significant episodes of resistance in special, in the American south continent with the victories of Hugo Keys, Venezuela; Evo Morales, Bolivia; Rafael Leather strap, Equator and Fernando Lugo in Paraguay. But, in the generality here in Brazil, the parties and forces of left, destarte, they have not obtained to oppose (however for incompreenso of the reality, however for deficiency of formation of public politics of enfretamento to the capitalist model that attracts the great mass.

Or still for diffuse influence between parcels of the popular sectors of the predominant teses between the detainers of the power. It also lacks of alternative projects (that I confiscate of the prerequisite minimums of citizenship) has favored to the sensitization of significant conceived practical certain parcels of the population the religious ones as opium e, many times, simultaneously, the teses and politically antidemocratic solutions. It is, in last instance, the ground historical> produced for the implementation of these politics and, therefore, of dramatizao of the absence of the State (that is, of public politics directed toward the enfretamento of the picture of poverty of ample parcels of the population) that the politics of the Stock market is inserted eleitoreira Family of president Lula and its PT, preceded and folloied of bulk and strident campaign of media.

Mountain Votes

What to wait of the new president? Start citing Maquivel: The first impression that if has of a governor and its intelligence is given by the men surround who it. That I do not find Maquivel an example to be followed in all the situations, but in substance of politics and maintenance of being able, it is one of the great thinkers. This simple principle can represent very the future of our president-elect when the team of it will be formed and know the nucleus hard of the power. I did not vote in Dilma, but as it finished the election, now it is to give to possibility it stops showing its capacity. It is not there by chance, as well as Squid.

All have vices and virtues, defects and qualities and the emotion and the hatred that had appeared in the campaign must now be outside of the mind and heart of all we, defeated winners and. The interest of the society has that to overlap itself to everything, also the ideology. Dilma earned in 16 states, Mountain range in 11. It had 55,7 million votes, Mountain range 43,7 million. The result with 56% x was balanced 44% of the valid votes. If to consider the approval of Squid, 83% and the total of votes, 135 million, in the truth great parcel did not vote in it, 79,3 million in the truth.

Squid was the responsible one for the election of it, it has star and luck and knew to capitalize the favorable winds of the conjuncture. Loas good it and for thousand of people who had had social ascension and had improved the income. As economist, I cannot leave to say that the sophism of that everything was made by the government of the PT and nothing for the others finished helping Dilma. I find that some still search the third turn and is not recommendable this.


To each election they change if the faces, but the politics that torture the people continue leaving thousand of private poor persons of its basic rights as well as the one of the proper house, compelling to live them it in total exclusion to the point to live in the streets of the great metropolises. Without choice or freedom, these people if become in turn submissas and soon kept out of society. Such situations above elencadas have to see with the politicians who if choose without if he wants, to study its lives, its histories, its works and its true social interests. Led for so great idiotice, it is finished simply voting in them for being presenters, artists, entrepreneurs or same for having sanguineous bows of others politicians. It is voted for gaining money in exchange, or believing that some commissioned position will be obtained, or worse, it mentally ill votes for the speeches and charming proposals that the marketing orders the candidates to say to gain more votes. The elections are a humbug and, nonsense are the candidates to appear all smiling, maquiados and dresses with its faces of angels well and considering to decide everything. It is finished voting in them for appearing ' ' pretty in the photos, ' ' being deceptive proper itself, allowed that if its aesthetic beauties hide its podrides. Ahead of such devices, it has not been known, that the voters if make still more corrupt who the candidates? The politicians say that to vote he is to exert the democracy, if were truth, would be very easy to vote. Therefore the voter is conditional to press the button of the electronic ballot box, but and later? It has accompaniment or collection of the same stops with the elect ones? still is said to vote in bad the least. But as, if they are all equal ones after the position assumed politician? Perhaps it was preferable to use the null vote until appearing somebody in fact competent and chemical preparation to govern.

Treasury Regimen

The act hardest of the military regimen occurred in 1968 ends, with the instauration of the AI-5, not forgetting that the political parties had been extinct (it only remained the ENCLOSURE FOR BULLFIGHTING and the MDB). The contradictions of the military governments had been diverse that the Congress was open and closed to the default of the agent chief executives, the press were censured and the persecutions intensified politics, had increased the tortures, the murders and disappearances of people, institutionalizing, the violence against who dared to question the regimen. At this time &#039 occurred the such; ' miracle econmico' ' of Dolphin Grandson, then Secretary of the Treasury, that he affirmed that the country grew and the middle class starts to have greater purchasing power, but increased the number of the empobrecidos ones accenting the social inaquality. The crisis of the oil in 1973 was a hard blow for the military who, already without the same support of the bourgeoisie, with serious internal divisions and suffering pressures from the population start if to rebel against the AI-5, when met the way for ' ' opening, slow, gradual and segura' ' proposal for Geisel. In the decade of 80 &#039 was made; ' reform of partidos' ' , stimulating the creation of new parties politicians and the return of the old ones.

Em1984 acampanha for ' ' Direct J' ' it demonstrated that the military regimen was with its counted days The military regimen, in democracy term, finished if becoming a retrocession. The lack of democracy, the terror, the violence, impunity, the censorship, the lie and the murders go to even introduce in the country the feeling of shame of being Brazilian. As it affirms a professor who suffered in the meat the stigma from the regimen: ' ' I think that the effect arrasador of the blow in the country was given in the plan of the ethics. To be ethical started to be synonymous of subversive or then idiota' '. Memorable the 31 of March of 1964 and the military regimen needs to be studied in the perspective of if understanding History, leading its prosperity and growth that while happened the military governed, but the democracy and the manifestations of freedom had been also restrained. We live the democracy again with imperfections injustices, but we must always improves it.