Youth Service Week

Unfortunately, this year failed to create an effective system retain young professionals in rural areas, to create a fundamentally new ways to support and develop social youth initiatives. But the problem is not only our region but also the Russian Federation as a whole. One of the most effective ways of involving young people in socio-economic activities is to support and develop volunteering. In our development of this direction focus. Established governmental institutions have become a tradition, "Youth Service Week".

But the development of volunteerism should be conducted not only in realization of state youth policy, but should extend to all age groups of the population of the Lipetsk region. One of the challenges in today's youth policy – a struggle against social dependency among youth. Many young citizens do not quite understand the difference between what the state has no obligation, and creates conditions for self-actualization. Today, only the social activities of young citizen depends on his success in society, from his knowledge and skills. Must be clear what the result we want to get as a result of the main directions of state youth policy in Lipetsk area.

The timely adoption of a regional concept of youth policy should be supplemented with criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of its implementation, and annual monitoring of the regional legislation in this area of open public discussion of its results. Sharply raises the question of solving the problems of labor and youth employment. The problem of employment is significant today for more than 40% of young people.


The best way to resolve this issue – to order the cargo cab. This not only saves time but also protect from all sorts of trouble. Thus, a number of companies offer to insure the cargo so that you can not worry about your luggage while he was on the road. In addition, some cargo carriers equip their car GPS-systems, through which you can choose to trace the route. Very important to choose the best suitable for you transport. If you carry a few things, you'll like machine capacity up to 1T, well in If you decide not to waive the benefits of civilization and move to the country with all available equipment in the house, you need a car carrying capacity of 2m. It is necessary to consider one important point: whether the on your chosen car ban the Moscow government to enter into the center of Moscow on the territory of the Garden Ring, the Third Ring Road (TTC) and a small ring of the Moscow District Railway (MOZHD) for the day without special permit. By ordering a car to the city center, be sure to talk about this issue with the company.

Price When ordering issue, note the taxi fares freight shipping companies. Often, hourly and pokilometrovaya pay more profitable than the fixed fee for the service move, because the latter includes all possible costs and risks. Also note that some carriers charge a fee for filing a car to the house. In this case, look for companies that offer this service free of charge. An experienced driver and a decent car to carry the goods must be a specialist who knows how to behave on the road laden car, and vehicle in which you load the luggage should be kept clean and tidy. All this guarantees the "City Taxi" drivers who have extensive experience of driving and they know all the routes known to the country cottage and holiday villages. All machines are regularly checked in our own technical center, where he also performed washing and cleaning of the interior. So that the client can rest assured as to the safety of their cargo, and for his appearance upon arrival. Any problem should be resolved by an expert. If we are to you, the question arose associated with the move, call the "City Taxi", a company that specializes in holiday traffic in the suburbs, offering flexible payment options and a professional approach to delivery.

Government Change

Grondona exposes, that perhaps the president Cristina, it had not perceived until it listened to the cacerolazos, that one of the factors of its fast wearing down does not consist as much of the conflict which they have caused his measures of government like in its discursiva arrogance when defending them. Perhaps it began to perceive it when, speaking for the second time in the series of three speeches by national chain that it gave in the week, decided to appeal to a Congress suddenly turned into salvation table. It would be an error, it emphasizes Grondona, supposition that survey and the caceroleros are requesting a passage to the flank of Cristina. What they are asking is not to change it but it changes. Because, if already it had lost to the urban middle-class that did not vote it in October of 2007, now it is losing to rural middle-class that voted yes it.

If it does not change the sooner, only it has left the distracted support of the captive masses that travel in the trucks of the Government towards the frozen official acts. Definitively a change in the style of conduction, of negotiation of appreciation of the reach and repercussions is suggested that is generated when they are put in legal measured new practices, as the case of the taxes to the export, without anticipating the consequences. Another one is due to look for language, a more democratic approach, is necessary to surpass the present ideology, that as it exposes Grondona considering that the ideology that still interpose between the Kirchner and the reality of a country that it is well different del that conceived when young in the Seventies we could call it neomontonera. She notices herself mainly in those passages of the presidential speech in which her author tries to be amiable in front of whom they do not think like her.

Latin American

I must say that on Friday, December 3, in full horrified drivers, personally didn’t seem at all wise decision to enable the army to assume command in the control towers at Spanish airports. He understood that such measures do not usually like investment, fleeing everything what looks like a suit of camouflage. And although comparisons are odious, it must be said that this type of military mobilizations are more characteristic of Latin American countries, where will get accustomed to the armed forces to resolve labor strife. However, achieved the return to normality and with her restitution in the right to freedom of movement of thousands of Spaniards, lawyer job that I am, I’ve come to join in the applause generalized in favour of the Minister of public works, Jose Blanco. Our country has seen historically he has played with our bread, since various collective transport, have called strikes in key dates for tourism.

Now is time for reflection, chance to assess the possibility of limiting the right to strike as being used abusively, or are contrary to the fundamental pillars of the national economy. To please you now has public opinion, who not has missed the hands to the head to see how the army assumed control of the airspace, or when not has been undeterred by listening to the expression State of alarm, uttered for the first time in 35 years of democracy. The public wants to now see the blood of the defeated Gladiators. It cries out for the dismissal and exile of uncontrolled controllers. The expropriation of their assets. Even their entry into prison. Not a few labor lawyers understand previously would clearly define the limits of a perverse law, the right to strike.

Investments Secure

When safe investments are made that always looks for is the maximization of the profit or wealth of the shareholders of a company. Safe investments don’t exist because there is always a financial and operating risk when handling money. If this risk would not exist because everyone would be rich by investing in this type of investment. However the risk is something that can be decreased by not eliminating, and ways to reduce it is through analysis and projections for the future of the economic variables involved. In general the profitable investments give more profits the higher your risk, because employers are averse to risk and only invest their capital if the return is justified. Other safer investments such as deposits of debt with almost zero risk, leave very little gain.

Objectives which should always seek is to maximize the present value of the company. To achieve this goal it is necessary to maximize the following financial variables. Firstly, it is important to have a high profitability. This means economic ability to produce profits or benefits.On the other hand we have the liquidity, which is related to the capacity to fulfil the obligations undertaken by the company in time and form. As you can see these two objectives are opposing each other. To increased profitability, reduced liquidity, this is the case for example when purchases much raw material to produce and decreases the amount of cash to pay suppliers. A great liquidity situation is the opposite, when you have the cash but it does not reverse it, we then sacrifice profitability but we have liquidity. A good administrator of finance must make right decisions in three well differentiated areas. Profitable investments: the asset of the company, the size and its financing structure-related: related to the financing of the company and the growth of the same. Gives rise to the financial risk to assume loans and forced to pay dividends interest rates: decisions on distribution of dividends or reinvested in the company as a form of self-financing.

Bioethics Advisory Commission

Given the immense progress of mankind technically, ethics seems to be repealed. The terror and veneration to experiences such as genetic manipulation and control of “personality” are the mixed feelings that take over us. Faced with experiences such as Dolly (the sheep cloned from a few months ago) by today’s standards begin to be at least sufficient to establish to which should go in this race, it seems, nowhere. Well, well know that cloning can serve to save one endangered species (this includes people), or solve the problem of hunger in the poor hemisphere, or to accelerate research on incurable diseases until today, or simply play the pet hit by a car before our eyes, not so remote possibility of applying it in humans, we are alarmed. Not to mention the other techniques of genetic engineering components. What kind of progress, of research, manipulations, experiments, interventions can be done without going against what human dignity or against God? This is the context where it appears Bioethics.

(Of course it is in the third world where they do not discuss topics like these, as in the U.S. there is even an attached Bioethics Advisory Commission to the White House.) Apparently, “what it is like the teacher said SILVIA R BRUSSINO Argentina, is to seek ways or paths that make possible the coexistence of such diverse projects of life and personal fulfillment, while rationally justify coercion views of a common good. ” That is, establish the “moral minimum.” Search, first of all, criteria for solving these problems and objectively, then by the adoption of valid legal rules that everyone accepts. Size objective right? Search for “criteria” convertible “principles” when classical ethics to what is sought is the “good” which in turn is based on the “origin transubstantiation of moral norms.” Yes, bioethics search agreements, the panel favors subjective and therefore “the foundation of its norms is the emerging consensus or the procedure followed to reach it.” The path for technology and science can not be erased. It is necessary, therefore, a reflection of humanity over all that means as a species, what they want for their future and the future of the species that coexist with it, without undue pressure from groups whose interests are of such assets or political without manipulation information without ecclesiastical interference, but with a deep sense of morality and goodness, and above all fear of God. Only after these reflections, based, yes, on the basis of accurate information on the subject, it may adopt clear rules that channel techno activity towards the end of the common good and justice.

Economic Development

However, a one-time transfer from one control method to another is hardly possible: we need a new framework laws, and the willingness of market entities to work in new conditions. Nevertheless, there are grounds to speak about the tendency to a certain limit State participation in the direct regulation of individual activities. Meanwhile, the state remained directly involved in the market (as a key shareholder of the leading enterprises) in a number of strategic industries. Defense industry, aviation, fuel and energy complex Discussions on this subject were quite a few, but the main question one: is it time to divide the tasks of strategic control (which is achieved by a variety of means) and commercial component. Now, under the auspices of the Economic Development of Russia is working to prepare the concept of corporate governance in state-owned companies, like Liana Pepelyaev. The result of this work should be the adoption of the Government of the concepts as well as making the required changes at both federal laws and regulations. The establishment of rules of the game continues.

"Many of the issues and concerns of the business in 2006 had not been resolved – recognizes Vladimir Gruzdev, deputy of the State Duma, the coordinator of the party "United Russia" in the interaction with the business community. – In particular, we have not begun to address technical regulations, have not solved all the issues against raiding, not fully resolved the most burning issue for business to reduce the tax burden. Has not been solved and the problem of withdrawal from the shadow of "gray" wages.

Combating Poverty

We can not separate the human and social nature that the Bible has this concept of Salvation, Liberation, because it is closely linked to the concept of the Kingdom of God. Humanity is saved wholly or sentence to a life of eternal exploitation. Poverty is a social sin. The concept of poverty can only be identified and assessed from the perspective of the social, human. The Beatitudes, defined as the poor and hungry, they cry, the despised and hated, the excluded or expelled, insulted and despised, these are human needs and feelings clearly. We then ask ourselves, Who are the rich? The biblical text places them, of course, on the opposite side of the definition of the poor. They are the ones so far have had their joy because they have been satisfied, those who laugh now, those who have never been excluded but rather have been praised.

Which are also, feelings and human satisfactions. Therefore we define poverty as a social sin that should be mandatory social and fought. Combating poverty is good to pray, but that's not enough to combat poverty, we must empower the poor. We have to see salvation, liberation and awareness to the socio-economic reality of Latin America. That's why from the Theology of Liberation, we must conceive our work as a work of communicating good news, this is not simply the work of awareness. This is an eminently political and ideological work, because tries to combat the ideology of an empire that uses all means in their power to mediate and control.

Construction Code

06/12/2008 Cabinet meeting at the Kirov region planned outcome of the regional target program “Development of Housing in Kirov Region” in 2009. In accordance with the growth in housing Construction on the field must be at least 20 percent compared to 2008, and in 2009, the total area of the housing will reach 500 thousand square meters. Also scheduled for the project to ensure the utility and economic infrastructure of a number of built-up areas. Prominent role in the program given to low-rise construction of prefabricated single-family homes, particularly in rural areas. To achieve these goals plan the following tasks: – priority use of products and materials of the local industry to increase housing construction – ensuring rapid development of communal Infrastructure – investment projects for the land under the municipal infrastructure zhilstroitelstvo in different municipalities – development of documents of territorial planning, zoning, land planning documentation in accordance with the Construction Code.

Northern Oil

The project was carried out the dismantling of the building power units are transported and mounted in a block-modules at the new facility. Major works were carried out in the lowest possible temperature (the temperature was recorded 335 K). Gas piston unit Cummins 1540 GQNA, operating on associated gas for the primary energy supply field. Stand-alone diesel power plant container type, such as CSB-WH TD 24006.3 30" based on the Cummins KTA 38G5, working in a gas-diesel mode. Energy production at Palnikovskom oil field, Yamal. Stand-alone diesel power container type, such as CSB-D KN20 10006.3" based on engine Cummins KTA 50 (3 AIS) unit of 1 MW.

Energy oil production facilities. Customer LLC "Naryanmarneftegaz". Stand-alone diesel power plant container type, such as CSB-D500, 4 KN20" based on engine Cummins VTA 28 unit capacity of 500 kW. Stand-alone diesel plant container type, such as CSB-D320, KN20 4" on the basis of engines Cummins VTA28 (2 DGS) unit capacity of 320 kW. Energy oil production facilities of JSC "Northern Oil" Energy industry problem security of power supply output is directly related to lack of generating capacity in the industry. At this point, when actively growing volumes of production, consumption and increases electricity. The existing power capabilities no longer able to provide the expected increase in load. Fixed assets of the electricity sector are worn, but their modernization requires substantial investment. About deterioration of the power equipment indicates frequent accidents at substations. Increasingly, enterprises, a program of measures that reduce energy losses, optimizing energy consumption and energy supply, including building their own power sources.