
In mid-2007, Russia has already acted more than 1000 banks, having the right to conduct various banking transactions. A lot or a little? What services are provided by banks? What is the principle of operation of these institutions? Banking system today – one of the most important structures that facilitate economic development in general and increase the living standards of citizens in particular. Virtually any customer of the bank under certain conditions can take a mortgage loan car loan or education loan, for example. Without the time and effort it is now possible to get an international atm card (such as card visa, mastercard or maestro) and pay for purchases and services in all countries. You can do denominated or foreign currency deposits, and not only to ensure safe storage, but also a permanent augmentation of the earned money.

Generally, the primary function of banks – providing financial services to individuals and legal entities, if we consider the function of banks in more detail, we can identify the following: the transformation of temporary surplus funds in kapitalkreditovanie individuals, legal persons and in fulfilling predpriyatiyposrednichestvo various financial operatsiySvoim banks offer customers increasingly wide range of services: from already spent deposit-lending operations to such new, as leasing or factoring. Nevertheless, despite similar goals, functions and working methods, there are several types of banks: central bank (usually public) commercial bankiinvestitsionnye bankisberegatelnye bankiipotechnye that of the names is understandable, what makes emphasis each of the groups bankov.Esli Generally speaking, the income of the bank consists of the difference between gross income and expenditure. In essence, the bank – the intermediary between those who have an urgent temporary need for cash and those with whom they released, so his income depends on the volume produced by bank deposits and investments, the value of the interest rate. Interesting system in which the interest rate is determined. Takes into account such factors as: the interest rate set by the Central Bank, the total price of investments, loans, the proportion of supply and demand for loans; the presence and degree of risk (in each case), the term of the loan, the rate of inflation in the country, one way or another banking is becoming more and more popular.

Real Estate Purchases

The division of interest between the founders of the charter capital, the registration entity will directly reflect their share in the transaction of real estate purchase. That is, simple words, the percentage of share ownership entity will be equal to the percentage of market value at the time of purchase or at the time of its sale. Requirements for Czech banks working with foreign citizens of the mortgage lending: 1. There is a legal entity in the Czech Republic (the best of the new, zero-balance sheet) 2. Residence in the Czech Republic (annual or biennial multi visa number 65) 3. Gains documented by the country that is permanently registered foreign national (income statement, employment contract, cash disbursement vouchers). Proof of income received in the Czech Republic, no required, but when considering the issuance of a mortgage, they can affect positive decision.

The maturity of a mortgage loan to be entered into contract with the bank depends on the age of founders firm on which the property is issued. If you wish to obtain a mortgage for a period of 30 years of age of the founders should not exceed 40 years. Indirectly, the decoration for a foreigner in the Czech mortgage bank, will have a value: 1. Availability Higher education received at home and confirmed (nostrify) in the Czech Republic. 2. Seniority, which may be reflected in the employment contract, and in the workbook. 3. Position in organization, which confirmed the income of the citizen. 4. The two-year multi visa number 65 on the basis of information received, the bank decides to grant a mortgage, and if the positive decision, the bank defines "interest group" for the mortgage entity.

Repeatable Audits

Currently, the company shall enter into contractual relationships to make investments, executing business transactions and the use of their assets. The credibility of such bonds shall provide all members transactions use and guaranteed the financial information. The financial statements of any firm contains information about the presence of assets and liabilities, its financial position, income and personal capital. Proper financial information can effectively operate the capital market. Due to the financial statements give estimates of the economic decisions and determined the growth prospects of the organizations and forecasts. Mandatory audit. Obligatory audit – an annual, mandatory audit of financial statements and accounting organizations. A voluntary audit.

In order to achieve the greatest success in business any company you want to intelligently monitor all internal processes, as well as the work of its accounting. A voluntary audit is initiated by the subject, which is carried out this audit or his party, taking into account timing, scope of the audit and specific tasks under the contract for the implementation of the audit between the initiator and the audit organization. The purpose of this inspection is to monitor and assess the state of accounting in general, or its separate branches, the identification of state financial reports, develop recommendations for improving the impact of the organization's work and stuff. Financial audit of mission. Financial audit carried out on a special mission Verification of selected articles reporting, for example: the state of payables and receivables, the availability and condition of inventory, fixed assets.

Repeated financial audit. Periodic financial audit carried out on this enterprise, as every year, and the results of each semester. This gives an opportunity to establish long-term cooperation between the auditor and the client, to give a more objective assessment of the entity and its line of activity. Pros: Firstly, a simple fix discovered during a quarterly audit of accounting errors in the next quarter, that is, the current user. It is very important timely detection and correction of systematic errors, whose effects are most significant for the firm. Secondly, significantly increases the quality of testing, since the total time with the customer when quarterly audit exceeds the lump-sum annual audit and does not require such a heavy schedule of inspections.

Personal Income Tax

But what are the requirements creditor bank imposes on the borrower: – Availability Russian citizenship – age (at time of loan agreement) of 22 to 55 years – permanent residence (permanent registration) in the city, where the creditor bank or branch bank lender – secured car until repayment of the loan – continuous throughout the life of the loan car insurance against risks: theft, damage (insurance) and osago for the driver and persons admitted to driving a car – a guarantee agreement with the spouse (Spouse) of the client. Make no mistake – this is the case of the sudden death of the borrower in an accident. In this case, the balance amount will have to pay a spouse, a survivor For registration of auto loan borrower will need the following documents: – application form for a loan – a Russian passport (plus photocopy of all completed pages) – a driver's license, and if no driver's license, then the second document (other than a passport) certifying the identity of the Borrower: passport, military id, passport, seafarer, permit to carry weapons, hunting license, pension certificate, certificate of employment (with a photograph of the holder and seal), and in the absence of these documents: birth certificate, certificate of detention (or divorce), marriage certificate – for legal entities – a certificate from a bank or other document confirming the payment of taxes – to arrange a loan of more than 50 thousand to provide a copy of employment record (certified by the organization – the employer) and a certificate in Form 2 Personal Income Tax. .

Mass Communications

Currently processing fee is 300 rubles. We recommend you pay particular attention to the accuracy of filling the beneficiary’s details payment in the payment of commissions. In addition, payers should serve himself the license applicant. If in the process of service provision is supposed to use the radio spectrum, including for the purposes of tv and radio broadcasting, the implementation of cable television and wired radio, voice data, including data networks, providing channels of communication, leaving outside the territory of one of the Russian Federation or outside the Russian Federation, the implementation of activities in the field of postal communication, the license applicant, together with the documents listed above, applicant must provide a description of the communications network, communications equipment, with the use of which will be provided telecommunications services, as well as plan and feasibility study of a communication network.

Requirements for the content of this description established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications. Content requirements for the description of networks and communications, with the use of which will be provided telecommunications services approved by order Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of 22 March 2005 N 32. Recommendations on the content of the plan and feasibility study of communication networks, using which will be provided communication services approved by order Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of 22 March 2005 N 31. To obtain a license, which provides for the provision of communication services using radio spectrum, in addition, it seems the solution state Commission for Radio Frequencies on the allocation of radio frequency bands. Given a particular solution scr or total solution, allowing the use of radio spectrum without partial solutions scrf. To obtain a license to provide communication services for television broadcasting (terrestrial and cable), radio (terrestrial and cable) broadcasting of additional information provided by the license applicant as a notarized copy of a broadcast license. This legal requirement does not include variant content broadcast by the operator of a third party having a broadcast license to the Federal Service for Supervision of Legislation in Mass Communications and Cultural Heritage (formerly MPTR), although the license terms for these types of activities specified in the rf Government Decree of 18 February 2005 N 87 allow the broadcasting contract with the operator broadcasters-licensees.

Therefore, in this situation allow the applicant to provide a notarized copy of a broadcast license issued to another person, and copies of the contract (possibly prior) to the owner of such license. For a license established license fee: 15 000, multiplied by the number of subjects of the Russian Federation, the territories (the territory) which, according to This license will be provided communications services – if in the process of service provision is supposed to use the radio spectrum, including for the purposes of television and radio broadcasting; implementation Cable television and wired radio voice data, including data networks; Providing communication channels beyond the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation or outside the Russian Federation activities in the field of postal communication prescribed conditions of tender (auction, competition) – in case of issuance of the license on results of auction (auction, competition); 1 000, multiplied by the number of subjects of the Russian Federation, the territories (the territory) which, under this license will be provided communications services – in other cases. If licensee within three months has not paid a license fee, the licensing authority may revoke the license.

Scottish University

Biofuels: environmental safety or the threat of wildlife Recently, the use of biofuels derived from specially grown plants, treated as important and promising step toward reducing emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Science has come to the fact that rapeseed and sugar beet and corn can be used for the synthesis of diesel fuel. But whether such biofuels is an environmental solution? On the one hand – this is a good alternative to oil dependency, but the rapid development of biofuel technology threatens to cause irreparable harm to natural ecosystems and biological structures. Meanwhile, scientists around the world continue to work on environmental bio-fuels, Russia has taken modest steps on the quality of conventional hydrocarbon fuels. Last Thursday, the government approved a new technological regulations governing the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel in Russia. However, as experts note, the air from the transition to cleaner fuel cleaner especially will not: the quality of Many machines such that they even ran the cleanest fuel – they will still smoke In a world marked the World Day on February 19 whales in the world marked the World Day of whales.

On this day in 1986, the International Whaling Commission introduced a worldwide moratorium on commercial whaling, under which the right to hunt was reserved only for indigenous peoples. But, unfortunately, in recent years some countries have already denounced in unilaterally by the agreement. Norway and Iceland, came out of the moratorium, continue to threaten the whale population, carrying out whaling for commercial purposes. Continuously violated the moratorium, and Japan, which regularly decimating the whale in the alleged 'scientific purposes'. Therefore, the recent World Day of the whales is a very important and urgent, as many species of whales are on the verge of extinction and the world community must paid to this issue very close attention. Remarkable discovery made British scientists almost exactly to the World Day of whales. Scientific Group of the Scottish University of St Andrews responded to were placed in dead-end world of science for decades, the question of when and how much sleep whales.

Researchers concluded that whales sleep during a short period of rapid immersion in water. Thus, they are 'gaining' on 10-15 minutes of sleep during several hours. But before scientists could determine how the sleeping whales, which are constantly in motion. Most ecological car of the planet last week in the media was presented a list of the most environmental cars of the planet (the list can be found here:). According to researchers, cars, presented in this 'green' list, bring minimal harm to the environment and it is for them – the future automotive industry. Car Honda Civic gx with the engine running on natural gas, was considered the most environmentally friendly cars in 2008 in the usa. The most 'green' vehicle is selected based on indicators of fuel consumption each of the candidates, as well as the level of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. That is why the Toyota Prius, use less fuel, but uses a traditional gasoline engine, was the second ranking. But among 'Gasoline' machines is Prius has become the most environmentally friendly. In third place is another member of the family Honda Civic Hybrid, which also uses an electric motor.

Drafts Forced

In the autumn of this year in England can be put unusual tax – a tax on the drafts. Such a measure, according to the government, would contribute to energy savings. It is planned that if a house belonging to the private person will not be installed triple-pane windows, the owner of real estate have to pay a special municipal tax. Today, many governments have taken several measures to reduce energy consumption their economies. One of the directions of this policy is working with the private consumer. "We can safely say that almost every Russian apartment has room for energy savings – said Rafiq Alekperov Head of Customer Group propleks (Russia's largest producer of pvc window-profile of Austrian technologies). – For example, modern plastic windows provide increased level of thermal performance in various operating conditions.

In this sense, such a modernization in the interest of not only states but also the people themselves to ensure comfortable living conditions. " Problem of energy conservation at all levels, including consumers, are interested in and the Russian authorities. Thus was born the famous law of light bulbs. " "The popular phrase was that" destruction is not in the closet, but my head. " But if we want to take up his head, is not a sin to start with the same closet, apartments, entrances, their homes, – says the mayor of Moscow Yuri . – Dance, they say, must be "from the stove." And in the case of energy efficiency – from a mere light bulb.

Exposing The Myths, Or The Whole Truth About The Quality Of Medicines

Introduction – Pharmacies surrender – money no huddle "the masses are the subject of drugs with high sensitivity. This subject is close to the people. Firstly, it is a very important subject for any normal rights – of their own health. Secondly, we are talking about money, that is as important for most people. Third, the issue of drugs is a cash cow for journalists in Russia.

Ghouls – pharmacists and forgers – pharmacists in the popular mind are second only to corrupt Policeman and poisonous Shaurma. Despite a host of publications and an endless stream of tv programs, the clarity in the national consciousness is not added. Answers to the question – "what quality medicine? "represent a bizarre mix of newspaper revelations, pseudoscientific fiction and general mistrust of government, country and fellow countrymen around. As a person who has direct relevance to ensure drug quality, I try in my article to clarify this confusion. First, let's mention the most important fact, production and distribution of drugs – it's a business, business is very, very profitable.

Despite all the talk about the good of the people, captains of pharmaceutical business first and foremost try to make money. The entire chain of drug development, registration, manufacture and distribution of work to earn money. What is the cure – "Who and mare's Bride" Without going into deep scientific explanation, I will say simply, medicine is different from the biologically active additives (Bud) that the effect of the medicine must be proved State supervised clinical trials.

Russia Organizations

For example, if breeder with the buyer taking a very decent amount will not give the supporting documents to the animal or the buyer will send far and for too long in the presence of defects in the kitten, which he and the color, it. Such cases in life plenty! However, in fairness I must say that among foreign breeders of course there are decent and honest people who have a great number of animals and work flawlessly for many years, but alas too little. Make a reservation at once, we are not talking about the leaders of social clubs that opened the nursery in international organizations, and why some animals prefer to offer their own breeding people, but not to leave them in their nurseries. This information is also food for thought! Therefore, the acquisition of kittens in the cattery foreign buyer must be very careful, because there do not give a guarantee due to self-management activities. None of these kittens to foreign organizations as the eye could not see them grow up here in Russia, and after the implementation of them will make the documents of foreign organizations where the buyer has their own need to receive ancestry. Documents at the kitty often have to wait for months, they lose, confuse the data, etc. When contacting clubs cats buyer will be useful to ask the status of the organization, it is a public or commercial.

The fact that social clubs felinology cat breeding (cats) is not a job, a hobby. Many breeders there exist by themselves, that they themselves give birth to a nursery, it ourselves and and sell. These kittens in one Club cats can and had never seen such a club is only concerned with the registration and issuance of documents. There is another kind of social clubs, they litters, but often by outsiders activists who are not composed with the organization in any formal relationship, therefore they can not be held responsible for the results of its operations. The buyer will not see on the metrics of non-governmental organizations with a warranty part of the club or the breeder, because of their distinctive activities.

In the professional clubs of cats, such as the Association of breed clubs cat lovers (APKLK), Buyer shall provide all safeguards, since they operate at permanent experts feline breeds curators who keep track of all the breeding work of nurseries and the activities of breeders. If it is mandatory kittens in the organization of feline, the buyer has able to obtain information not from the person concerned – the breeder, and from the feline, which is responsible for the activities of the nursery. Here is the domestic zoorynok unvarnished! Buyer always need to know what he wants to buy and by what means disposal. Perhaps also appropriate to remember the old English proverb – miser pays twice! Do not skimp on the quality of the animal, if you decide to do breeding work. Refer to felinologist organizations and requires them to comprehensive information about the activities of the nursery, where they intend to purchase an animal (make sure to order the DVD-ROM archives of material from the exhibition with participation of representatives of the ancestors, and this dynasty, the slide show, photos, etc.). If the organization is serious breeding work, then you all give, and if in addition to words and promises the buyer gets nothing, then do correct conclusions about the organization and its nurseries.

Arts Emotions

Building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil's surprisingly easy. Thin and tall pillars arches, the length of which is doubled by reflection in the water, seem almost disembodied. Although it relies on them multiton concrete roof, protecting from the sun's interior glass building. The author of this project, Oscar Niemeyer, December 15, marks 100 years. Explore the creation of live classics and one of the main architects of the xx century it will be possible to exhibition "Poetry Forms", organized in honor of the anniversary of the master fund "Russian Avant-Garde" at the Moscow Museum of Architecture. It will present photographs, drawings and models Niemeyer from the 1940's to date. Including what has been made it to Brasilia, the new capital of his native country – the designer of Niemeyer began at age 50.

A general plan of the city, he worked out in detail the administrative part of the ensemble to the residence of the president's palace Dawn, the building houses the National Congress, the government "Palace of the plateau, the cathedral and other projects. Today they are all recognized as historic monuments. Critics called the style Niemeyer emotional or a romantic modernism for the use of a large number of curved shapes. He has been working with concrete, as if with clay, and deprives him of massiveness, resulting in a plastic building, then drop down like flowers, similar to the frozen streams of water. In this concise form, peculiar to modernism, is preserved. December 18 – February 1, Museum of Architecture. Str. 5, tel. 291 21 09