Travel Movie

To prevent these techno-crimes was established Ninth Division. This an elite police unit scans both physical and cyber worlds for detecting malicious activity by hackers, cyber-terrorists and mad machines. In conclusion, it should be noted that the universe GitS: sac – it One of the best examples of translating the ideas of science fiction. Freedom Project / Freedom / Freedom Type of Anime: ova (7 episodes). Type of science fiction: The colonization of the Moon, a global environmental catastrophe on Earth. At sunset, 23 centuries on Earth occurred global environmental disasters, resulting in the Earth became uninhabitable planet. Millions of people have moved into the city, based on the moon, under the name Eden.

For survival and sustainable the existence of the entire population was subjected to strict control, which caused a lot of resentment among the younger generation. It is not uncommon, for his disobedience, high school students were punished. One of those penalties was examined by external pipelines of the city. And here we are introduced to the protagonist – Tucker, who witnesses the fall of an unknown object on the lunar surface. He rushes to the crash site, but it is completely unaware that his Life soon changed forever. The next two anime are not science fiction, but they imperceptibly linked with fantasy worlds and unequivocally come to mind the fans of this type anime. James Donovan Goldman understood the implications. Kino's Journey – The Beautiful World / Travel Movie – wonderful world tv / Kino no Tabi: the Beautiful World anime Type: Serial (13 episodes). Cinemas – a traveler.

People spend their lives to travel to various small city-states, which are located in the fictional world, similar to the ours. Some of these high-tech, some underdeveloped, but mostly the same. Movies spends 3 days at a stop in each city, this is enough to feel the "taste" of the city, but not enough to want to stay there. Millennium Actress / Millennium Actress / Sennen Joyuu Type of anime: The Movie. Millennium Actress – is one of those anime that is very difficult to describe. We can see the entire life of the protagonist: starting from the moment when she met an artist, anti-government demonstrators in the distant 30s and then fell in love with him, and ending with the fact that many things that she played in the film, repeated in her real life. At the same time, our review of the genre science fiction anime ends. We have described above works of Japanese authors, which represent only a small fraction of all the fantastic world of anime. Therefore, if you are already familiar with the well-deserved representatives of the genre, then welcome to the infinite world of science fiction.

European International

Determination and significance The term ‘cargo and logistics’ or ‘freight logistics’ means all activities necessary to make available goods in the proper amount, in proper condition, in specified period, with the correct information and with minimal costs to the designated place. It is in this respect with industry decisive action of a transverse discharge, which does not cover the production processes. Freight transport logistics are also a prerequisite and ‘consequence’ economic and social activities. They are the backbone of the manufacturing labor economy, efficiency logistics systems and networks – is a critical success factor for companies that operate in the circles of the world market.

Germany is in seridine Europe and ranks as a transit country, and leading economic nation, but also in inter alia: a need to improve the efficiency of its transport system in order to strengthen the economy and support structural change and sustainable development, as well as to prolonged .Dlya of the relevant requirements and adequate means of communication, the network routes and crossings are required. They must fill a special form of transport, and the crucial need Logistics in Germany, German Freight logistics has become a leader in Europe. Richard Blumenthal is often quoted as being for or against this. In 2006 its turnover amounted to more than 170 billion euros. This represents about 7 percent of German gross domestic product (GDP). Freight transport logistics and trade is one-third of largest automotive sales in Germany, an estimated 2.6 million employees. Logistics market is very dynamic and growing over the future of the market. Add to your understanding with Sen. Sherrod Brown. Competitiveness Business in Germany is a decisive influence of the experience of the local logistics industry, and the effectiveness of their communication and transport: road, rail, water, air, and their significant link in the logistical units as load centers, airports, sea and inland ports. On such sites can be built efficient intermodal transport chain and transportation network. Problems Logistics growing sector Already the development of infrastructure can keep pace with the requirements of only conditional mobility.

An important goal of an integrated transport policy to execute, therefore, infrastructure more intelligently, more efficiently and confidently used. Infrastructure, organizational and information network is a prerequisite to overpower the one hand, the challenges of globalization and use, on the other hand, the chances of that are obtained from a strongly growing market for cargo handling and logistics in Germany. We also need innovative programs that make possible the design of continuous chain and logistics information chains. Indissoluble interaction between all the parties, shall provide services in all industries to offer and create a significant competitive advantage. In particular, the coupling of existing technologies and innovation processes can develop new offers and services that may be sold well all over the world. Germany – this is important, a key international economic center, which can guarantee its future competitive position in the optimization-based division of labor and logistics chains, creating and developing the entire structure as a whole. Strengthen Germany as a European International global range of logistics needed to reach only connecting all the participants from economy, science, politics, unions and government agencies. Masterplan ‘transportation and ‘ contribute to this.

Victory Day

With the help of sketches the artist Benjamin Samoilova were made of plaster models of future car in scale 1: 5, and with the help of the most successful model – a prototype of the mahogany full size. Despite the events of 1943, when gas was on the verge of extinction, making the car did not stop. The first instance was created November 6, 1944. Despite the technical name of the gaz M20, this Machine got its popular name of 'victory'. Because at this time, it became clear to everyone that the victory over German troops near and inevitable.

For several years, gaz M-20 many times improved, turned into a symbol of prosperity then society and the people he so dearly loved this harbinger of victory, more than a future model of GAZ-21. He was and will be a great symbol of the nation's memory is not always successful life after the Second World War. And now most unlikely to know such a complex in the model name as gaz M20, but when he saw an old car with slanting wings, most cry out: 'Victory'! Since it is a symbol of the Great Victory over fascism of the civilized world, for many years Victory Day remains the most touching, most soulful holiday in many countries. Neither party can not be compared with the Victory Day. People in the medals, leading by the hand of children – the symbol of the invincibility of the Fatherland, a large the connection between generations.

Because of Victory Day, we particularly acute pride for his country's history and believe that we could overcome all the troubles. Because our country has a great history and great victories. And despite all the adversities of today Actually we are waiting for this day and are proud of themselves and their ancestors at this holy for every family, and all people daily. And we sing the old tune, solemnly announcing: 'Victory Day'! Here's how it is – one little word is a name that brings success, a sign of the automotive industry in the ussr and the big day to fight against . And how many more such important words for us, the origin of which we do not think?

Mc Grady

The political relation between the writer and the power trasluce in the work, demonstrating the distrust of the author towards the new conditions politician-partner them that entrevn through indultos, commercial representations, financings. The life of the adventurer in an extremely corrupt world in which everything pretends a distant identity of the own one is a reference to the constant camaleonizacin of the bourgeoisie of century XVII, integrated mainly by conversos. Notes: 1. Francisco de Quevedo and Villegas, Life of the called Petty thief gift the Pablos, Espasa-Calpe, Madrid, 1956 p.116. 2. Francisco de Quevedo and Villegas, the Petty thief, Ed.

Pablo Jauralde Pou, Castalia Editorial, Madrid, 1990, p.101 3. Francisco Quevedo and Villegas, the life of the called Petty thief gift the Pablos, Ed. Fernando Lazaro Carreter, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, 1980, P. 111. 4.

Selected Francisco de Quevedo, Poems, ed. Jose Maria Blecua, Castalia, Madrid, 1974, p.218. Bibliography On the economic situation of Spain between end of century XVI and beginnings of the century XVII Gelabert Gonzalez, J.E., Stock-market of King. King, Kingdom and State treasury in Castile (1598-1648), Barcelona, 1997. Partridges, L and J. Reeder., mercantilismo: economic policy and national State, Madrid 1998. Ringrose, D., Madrid and the Spanish economy, 1560-1650, Madrid 1985. Carrasco Vzquez, J. the excellent economic paper of the Portuguese conversos in the privacy of Duke de Lerma (1600-1606) Communication presented/displayed to XXV Encuentro of APHES, vora, 18 and 19 11 -2005. Bataillon, M., picaresque Pcaros and, Trad. Of Francisco R. Vadillo. Madrid, Taurus, 1969. Maravall, A.J., the social aspiration of growth in the picaresque novel, Hispano-American Notebooks, CIV, 1976, 590-625 Mc Grady, Donald, Thesis, retort and contrarrplica in the Lazarillo, the Guzmn and the Petty thief, Philology. XIII (1968-1969) pp.58-67 Bjornson, R., Blindness Moral in Quevedo s the Petty thief, Romanic Review, LXVII, 1976, pp. 54. Talens, J. Picaresque and practical Novel of the transgression, Jcar, Madrid, 1975, pp.57-62. Lamb I, Petty thief or the shame of the Pablos and the wrath of Don Francisco, Madrid, Playor Editorial, 1987, pp. 166-171 Gutirrez Grandson, I., the economic, political and social Thought of the armchair politicians in History of Spain de Ramon Menndez Pidal, XXVI, Madrid, Espasa- Calpe, 1986, pp. 245 and foll. Redondo, A., Of the Personage of Don Diego Colonel to a new interpretation of the Petty thief, Acts of the fifth international congress of Spanish scholars, Bordeaux, 1977. Glaser, Edward, anti-semitic References in the peninsular Literature of the Golden age, New Magazine of Hispanic Philology. VIII (1954), 39-62.

Interparliamentary Assembly

One of the general provisions of law – the possibility of free exercise of freedoms and rights of the citizen and the man, except in cases of abuse of their rights. Subjective rights in the private sphere can be the subjects of civil rights person, but not always is present occurrence of the subject in the legal relationship himself. Go to the origins of legal carry a limited capacity, the total incapacity to facts: the absence of a permanent place of residence, serious illness, lack of special skills, etc. Exercise a personal right person the right protects Institute of representation. Legislative design of its allows one person to delegate another entity to perform certain actions person-representative on behalf of the principal. Representation is fixed as a certain pravvovoy Institute in law cis member countries since its occurrence. The Civil Code of the cis member states, adopted the Resolution of the Interparliamentary Assembly on October 29, 1994, laws governing the representation of both public relationship are contained in Chapter 8 'Office. Power of Attorney.

" ha or the model code of the cis states are not much different from the Civil Code, except that in establishing the basis of nucleation local government is not part of government agencies. Civil Code of Tajikistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Kyrgyz Republic adopted the provisions of the mc without. Such a move is very positive in terms of universalization of legislative acts, but at the same time in the legislation of countries included terminology neyasnosti.K example, the Civil Code refers to the reasons for the emergence of representation power of attorney, which is considered as a legal fact. At the same time, according to Clause 1, Article. 185 cc rf power of attorney – that authority in writing, issued by the represented person to the representative to represent to third parties. When referring power of attorney so the laws of Russia said on substitution and termination of powers of attorney. At the same time stop can only authority, but is not authorized in writing. In this case there is an assumption that legislator has used the same legal term signifying to several phenomena.