The Space

He knew that the dead, absolutely motionless, unchanging world is a world without time, that time is determined sequence of changes occurring in the world, and therefore the concept of 'time in the rest frame of the object' is just as much nonsense as the concept of 'humanity in a single village. Novelist may not feel the same. " Because of the infinite World of forming elements and their various relationships, we can not assume that the world can ever be the same as it once already was. "You can not enter twice in the same river." So peculiar Heraclitus formulated the law of the irreversible and non-recurring sequence of development of the World, which is an absolute law of the World as a whole and of individual generators of World items. Therefore, the geometric time is analogous to an infinite line, coming from the infinite past and off into the infinite future. Geometric analogue of simultaneity is the infinite line passing perpendicular to the line time. Each point corresponds to the direct simultaneous qualitative, quantitative and spatial status of each element forming the world at this moment, which is a geometric analogue of the point intersection of time with the line of simultaneity.

The space is a set of its constituent elements (from elementary particles to the planets and stars). Space formed by the elements, and not full of them. Spaces by itself, without any of its constituent elements in the objective reality does not exist in the same way as the weather does not exist without its constituent atmospheric phenomena (wind, snow, temperature …), as there is no width and length without measured object.

Juan Manuel

Condemning violence always based on the dignity and upholding human rights is necessary to mention that action research was developed in Germany, Denmark, Italy, Spain and Mexico with 2000 students from 9-18 years, 125 teachers and over two academic years. The research is entitled: “Present Without Violence. Building a Culture of Peace. ” Initial discussions revealed the existence of problematic situations, gender discrimination and the need to design an action plan for educational practice. The project was carried out following contents: a) masculinities and gender, b) sexuality and sexual preference, c) violence in everyday life, d) sexual violence, e) the sentimental education, f) intercultural g) gender and violence, h) gender and xenophobia, i) families, j) relations of power and violence k) culture of peace. The methodology for this project has been adapted to the conditions of each Centre and the degree of involvement of the Senate with the development of the program established, working several teachers and several teachers from their areas in the same class group, or on other occasions, has been one teacher / a.

Also the contents developed are adapted to the context and environment. The ultimate goal of this project was to bring the conflict as curricular dimension and build a culture of peace, focusing on the abolition of gender power relations and coexistence of people, eradicate injustice and lack of solidarity to achieve happiness and harmony in harmony. Among the main findings include the following: “The evaluation of this project has shown that it is possible the awareness of what our forms of expression of violence among adolescents, as a first stage for the development of skills in conflict resolution. 49% of students have improved their conceptions of gender violence and multiculturalism (the percentage is higher in our country: 51.2% of students). And the change is higher in boys than in girls, reflecting mainly those who exercise violence. There is a common-and troubling trend “in European countries such as the claim of adolescent girls of psychological violence, despite knowing the effects it produces-as a sign of equality with male adolescents.

Consequently, equality policies should ensure that adolescents assume values traditionally assigned to women: ethics of care, solidarity, lack of competitiveness and aggressiveness, and expression of feelings like love. We assume that the people promoting behaviors, attitudes and values against the liberators that generate oppression. ” Ignacio G. de la Rosa and Juan Manuel de la Cruz (1998) in the article: “Teens a little happier, after detecting the opinions of more than a hundred of teenagers on the distribution of domestic roles and care of others, given the views framed within a patriarchal ideology of masculinity, but after the educational work done by the authors began to detect changes in stereotypical ideas. These results are encouraging because they demonstrate the effectiveness of education in eliminating prejudice and violence prevention, the possibility of countering this scourge of society that affects half of humanity. Today it is urgent to analyze society and see the deaths that violence occurs against women, deaths are only the tip of the iceberg of the tragedy of many women, the addition of programs that address gender violence eliminating sexist attitudes of school but not as a cross-sectional area but fully integrated into the curriculum. Furthermore, as the violence is learned, it may prevent achieving the ultimate goal of total elimination of inequalities, and eradicating violence against girls and women.

Education Content

The content analysis is one technique of treatment of information. As technique can be used in some types of research and in such a way to serve equally the different levels of empirical inquiry of different sciences social human beings and. According to Valla (2001), ' ' the purpose of the content analysis will be, therefore to effect inferences, on the basis of a logic explicitada, on the messages whose characteristics had been inventoried and sistematizadas' ' (VALLA, 2001; p. 104). In fact we could the set of used metodolgicos instruments, made possible us a bigger explicitao and understanding to soon of our exercise of research. In this Bardin direction, (2004) it affirms that: ' ' The content analysis allowed a more faithful analysis of the reality, in the measure where for detrs of the symbolic and generally polissmico apparent speech a direction is hidden that agrees to unmask (BARDIN, 2004, p.37). In our research the analysis of the data collected in the field, during the participant comment will be carried through in accordance with the decoded explicativas categories of the transcribed subjects, that are: Education in the social movements, Identity and Formation Politics.

3.8 Auto refletividade: the experience of the field in the formation of pesquisador/the experience of the field in the area of social movements provided a bigger understanding to us of what indeed it occurs inside of this organization, as well as we could prove or refute what let us believe to be truths or unreal situations. The learning was differentiated and constructor of new perspectives concerning the social organizations. The main easinesses found in the place of ' ' pesquisa' ' if they had given in the direction of the integrant citizens of that movement to be one as much that susceptveis to the dialogue and, therefore facilitated our work sufficiently and gave in the confidence to carry through study of a calmer and trustworth experience the information harvested in that locality.

City Politics

The public politics directed to the education in the city of Picu* ** Appeared Rosinalva Martins de Oliveira are known that in last the ten years, necessarily, in the government of president Lula, it has increased and very, the come back public politics to the education. Although to know that not yet it is the sufficient for an education of quality, it is undeniable the difference in relation to the governments had preceded that it. In the city of Picu, the public politics directed toward the education are gifts in form of assistencialistas programs, as: stock market family, the PETI, the AABB community, adopts it one becomes childish, pro the young others; also in the form of other directed programs more to the schools, as: PDE, PDDE, PENATI, PROINFO, beyond the inclusion programs as the multi-functional rooms, of merenda, the pertaining to school transports and others that receive partnerships private as the program from confrontation to the drugs, in partnership with the Banco Santander, that it searchs to take care of children in situation of social risk. Although our city makes use of all these programs, it does not brighten up the situation of the majority of our clientele of children and adolescents who depends on these programs. What we perceive, mainly in relation to the had programs as assistencialistas, is that badly they are structuralized, and the resources badly managed. It does not exist a purpose, an objective, or same a direct partnership with the schools, in the direction to collaborate with the activities, or same with the professors, in a joint action and objective to promote the real citizenship and the learning. The people who are the front of these programs are extremely laypeople, or unprepared. The majority is pointed by the mayor without no academic formation or of knowledge of the social reality of the community.

The STUDY OF Society

I – The STUDY OF the ETHICS AND AESTHETIC Pablo Freire it is before everything an educator. Its workmanship leaves roots in the philosophical and antropolgico field, is extended for the area of the communication, apia in sociological knowledge, and is endowed with implications politics. This complexity to multidiscipline of its thought concurs, however, to stand out and to deepen its basic concern: to give to the educative process the essential conditions so that this contributes to the full and conscientious accomplishment of each man in the seio of the society. Leaving of this estimated, of that the education it must have a global vision of the pupil, with feelings and emotions, it is that if it becomes excellent, the study of the dimensions ethical and aesthetic in the pedagogical thought of Pablo Freire. Practical and the freiriana theory, bases on ethics inspired by the relation ' ' man-knot-mundo' ' , that is, to be in the world, in the construction of its ' ' be-knot-world-with-the-outros' ' , that is, to be capable of if relating with the people and the society (FREIRE, 2001c). The expression of this ethics, if of the one in the forms of the aesthetic one, the rescue and the search of all is also noticed, that the forms of expression human being – its proper aesthetic beauty and the improvement of these expressions. Thus, as in them it presents Freire, the beauty is not privilege of a classroom, but a construction shared for all, needing to be conquered to each moment, each decision, by means of experiences, attitudes capable to create and to recriar the world.

Freire, however, calls the attention for a basic aspect. A deep linking between the educative process and the too much essential processes to the life of a society exists: the activity politics, economic, cultural. The educative process is not only one activity human being among others, but an inherent dimension to any activity of the man as to be social.

In Austria

Familiar scheme, where there is a certain amount of tickets with questions and answers to them are not respected. Dominated by written work and projects, the latter need not only to prepare that already requires time and effort, but protect. Second, the exams need to register. And not the last evening, and at least a few days. And sometimes that month. And finally, unlike the former Soviet countries, the session in Austria is shorter and not exempt from the basic educational process. Therefore not surprising if the student for a day appointed exam and a couple of lectures. A grading “machine”, so beloved by students of universities of Russia and Ukraine, Austria is not practiced.

So Austria did not really learn for the sake of “crust”, but for the sake of knowledge. That is why graduates of Austrian universities are valued on the world labor market as qualified, responsible and organized professionals. STUDENTS SELF-MANAGEMENT IN UNIVERSITIES OF AUSTRIA in the usual understanding of the student government – is mayor, who shall be appointed or selected by the dean’s group in order to communicate to students of the university management decisions. In Austria’s approach to this issue is more serious. Election of “representatives of the course” or “speaking on behalf of the course” (as literally translated Jahrgangsvertreter and Jahrgangssprecher respectively) are held by secret ballot with all the attributes democratic will.

Register all willing to participate in the presidential race, drawing up lists of candidates, voters have the opportunity to get acquainted with the programs of all applicants. On Election Day opening polling booths, where each student a course can anonymously cast your vote for one of the contenders in their old age. Counting of votes shows who will represent the interests of the course. This approach is absolutely justified. Options warden at universities in Austria which is wider than that of its Ukrainian and Russian counterparts. The representative exchange rate can and should defend the interests of students to teachers. Sometimes it can lead to a curious, in our understanding situations. For example, there are cases where students need to replace the professor, as, in their opinion, it is not enough quality teaching their subject. And Dean agrees consider the students signed the petition! But – on a democratic basis. Hears both sides, appointed a general discussion, designed to solve the problem, and by joint discussions is a way out situation. Thus, Austria gives the students not only high-quality European education. In the universities of this country to prepare their own thinking, responsible and enterprising citizens of modern democratic state. And the beauty, culture, mild climate, excellent environment and many opportunities for recreation – a nice bonus for those who decided to join the ranks of Austrian students.

Foreign Languages

You are already fairly well mastered a foreign language and the now ponder how to apply it in life? Move up the career ladder or find a new job? Move to the big city and settle in a foreign firm? What if Change your country of residence? This is a big step that requires serious motivation, but if you already thought about it in this article we will examine where and with what language you can move and what it takes. Let's start with the English language. The time you spend on the analysis and learning of English tenses of irregular verbs, in addition to excellent prospects in Russia, opens for you and the international door. Leading, for example, in the UK, Canada or the USA. This good country to live, with high wages and social security, as well as an excellent environment. In the UK, Canada and open immigration policy, which means you can legally move there, even if you have no family or employers in these countries.

Enough to have a university degree, be qualified and know the language at the appropriate level. Level checked IELTS or TOEFL, and, subject to certain points on these exams, as well as all the other requirements, you have every chance to settle in Foggy Albion or distant Canada. For the U.S., such an open immigration program does not exist, in contrast, Recently, the government is limiting the number of potential immigrants. However, if you always attracted to this large and highly developed country, you can try to find an employer across the ocean, which will help you with your visa.

Computer Literacy

The growing "informatization" of society requires a modern man of proper level of computer literacy. And if young people socialized in the bowels of the information society, this time requirement in most cases is not a problem, older people have more difficult. Meanwhile, the information "isolation" is often the cause of social isolation. It's no secret that computer skills in today most cases are a requirement of employers. For many people approaching retirement and retirement age is often ignorance of the computer insurmountable obstacle to climbing the career stairs, or, at all – a barrier to successful employment. In fact, this obstacle can be overcome and. Designed to facilitate this training centers, specializing in computer courses.

Today St. Petersburg has no shortage of such training institutions. Therefore, the choice of the Training Center are often the determining factors such as duration of existence of the CA, which speaks of lessons learned; qualification of teachers; occupancy groups (less than men in the group, the more productive learning process), the ability to get professional help in finding employment after graduation; document, obtained by completion of the course. This last point is most important for employment. In the era of computer technology in a competitive environment it is important not only well aware computer, but also have proof of your competence. Many training centers at the end of training give students a variety of certificates and diplomas of a course.

As a rule, preference is given to CA in which every student, who passed final exam, give a government issued identification. Of particular interest are the centers in which the addition of a license can obtain a certificate of international standard. The most common certification system is a PC user ECDL (European Computer Driving License) – European Computer Driving Licence. To date, this program covers 70% of the world, testing of this system were more than 6.5 million people in 166 states. ECDL certificate is a plastic card with a photograph and a unique number, the format resembles a driver's license. It is an international document certifying that the holder is computer user on a set of programs. In the United States and Europe ECDL has long been the accepted standard of computer literacy. The certificate ECDL provides a significant advantage with respect to employment in the those abroad, but also significantly increases the odds in comparison with competitors who do not have this certificate.

Shape Knowledge

It is sometimes difficult to do than to explain. When selecting targets for self-study takes into account primarily age and individual characteristics. Thus, independent work should be seen in the constant improvement of knowledge and skills of students. Skills of self does not come suddenly, they must systematically cultivated. In the educational literature there are different classifications of independent work – for didactic purposes, sources of knowledge, level of productive creativity students. Level of complexity should match the level of knowledge a particular student, and simultaneously contribute to the development of their competence. Tasks should be like to play on the model of knowledge and creativity nature, requiring complex mental operations – analysis, reasoning, your own conclusions.

Forms of organization of independent work can be very diverse: Relate the term to explain the content. Fill in the blanks in sentences. Fill in the table. The solution of the chronological problems. Tasks related to the problematic approach, personality assessment of events. Interpretation of the illustrations.

Organization of work on the title. Organization entry work. Drawing diagrams, drawings, tables, crossword puzzles. Work to develop students' independent thinking should be conducted at all stages of education: when goal-setting, the communication of new material, with comprehension and reinforcement of knowledge, while checking homework. I'll tell you how this work I spend on stage, definition of objectives in studying the topic "The Village" prose B. Shukshina and V. Rasputin: goal-setting Shape: Delayed . – Who are the writers in 1955 went to conquer Moscow, taking with him a thick granary notebook with his stories and, not knowing what is the directing department, handed the documents to become an actor? – Who of writers was born on the banks of the Angara in the village of Ust – Uda, later caught in a flood zone? As this writer reacted to the flooding of their village? (Not every generation has to survive the destruction of the cradle in which to shape it a spiritual being.