Exposing The Myths, Or The Whole Truth About The Quality Of Medicines

Introduction – Pharmacies surrender – money no huddle "the masses are the subject of drugs with high sensitivity. This subject is close to the people. Firstly, it is a very important subject for any normal rights – of their own health. Secondly, we are talking about money, that is as important for most people. Third, the issue of drugs is a cash cow for journalists in Russia.

Ghouls – pharmacists and forgers – pharmacists in the popular mind are second only to corrupt Policeman and poisonous Shaurma. Despite a host of publications and an endless stream of tv programs, the clarity in the national consciousness is not added. Answers to the question – "what quality medicine? "represent a bizarre mix of newspaper revelations, pseudoscientific fiction and general mistrust of government, country and fellow countrymen around. As a person who has direct relevance to ensure drug quality, I try in my article to clarify this confusion. First, let's mention the most important fact, production and distribution of drugs – it's a business, business is very, very profitable.

Despite all the talk about the good of the people, captains of pharmaceutical business first and foremost try to make money. The entire chain of drug development, registration, manufacture and distribution of work to earn money. What is the cure – "Who and mare's Bride" Without going into deep scientific explanation, I will say simply, medicine is different from the biologically active additives (Bud) that the effect of the medicine must be proved State supervised clinical trials.

Russia Organizations

For example, if breeder with the buyer taking a very decent amount will not give the supporting documents to the animal or the buyer will send far and for too long in the presence of defects in the kitten, which he and the color, it. Such cases in life plenty! However, in fairness I must say that among foreign breeders of course there are decent and honest people who have a great number of animals and work flawlessly for many years, but alas too little. Make a reservation at once, we are not talking about the leaders of social clubs that opened the nursery in international organizations, and why some animals prefer to offer their own breeding people, but not to leave them in their nurseries. This information is also food for thought! Therefore, the acquisition of kittens in the cattery foreign buyer must be very careful, because there do not give a guarantee due to self-management activities. None of these kittens to foreign organizations as the eye could not see them grow up here in Russia, and after the implementation of them will make the documents of foreign organizations where the buyer has their own need to receive ancestry. Documents at the kitty often have to wait for months, they lose, confuse the data, etc. When contacting clubs cats buyer will be useful to ask the status of the organization, it is a public or commercial.

The fact that social clubs felinology cat breeding (cats) is not a job, a hobby. Many breeders there exist by themselves, that they themselves give birth to a nursery, it ourselves and and sell. These kittens in one Club cats can and had never seen such a club is only concerned with the registration and issuance of documents. There is another kind of social clubs, they litters, but often by outsiders activists who are not composed with the organization in any formal relationship, therefore they can not be held responsible for the results of its operations. The buyer will not see on the metrics of non-governmental organizations with a warranty part of the club or the breeder, because of their distinctive activities.

In the professional clubs of cats, such as the Association of breed clubs cat lovers (APKLK), Buyer shall provide all safeguards, since they operate at permanent experts feline breeds curators who keep track of all the breeding work of nurseries and the activities of breeders. If it is mandatory kittens in the organization of feline, the buyer has able to obtain information not from the person concerned – the breeder, and from the feline, which is responsible for the activities of the nursery. Here is the domestic zoorynok unvarnished! Buyer always need to know what he wants to buy and by what means disposal. Perhaps also appropriate to remember the old English proverb – miser pays twice! Do not skimp on the quality of the animal, if you decide to do breeding work. Refer to felinologist organizations and requires them to comprehensive information about the activities of the nursery, where they intend to purchase an animal (make sure to order the DVD-ROM archives of material from the exhibition with participation of representatives of the ancestors, and this dynasty, the slide show, photos, etc.). If the organization is serious breeding work, then you all give, and if in addition to words and promises the buyer gets nothing, then do correct conclusions about the organization and its nurseries.

Arts Emotions

Building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil's surprisingly easy. Thin and tall pillars arches, the length of which is doubled by reflection in the water, seem almost disembodied. Although it relies on them multiton concrete roof, protecting from the sun's interior glass building. The author of this project, Oscar Niemeyer, December 15, marks 100 years. Explore the creation of live classics and one of the main architects of the xx century it will be possible to exhibition "Poetry Forms", organized in honor of the anniversary of the master fund "Russian Avant-Garde" at the Moscow Museum of Architecture. It will present photographs, drawings and models Niemeyer from the 1940's to date. Including what has been made it to Brasilia, the new capital of his native country – the designer of Niemeyer began at age 50.

A general plan of the city, he worked out in detail the administrative part of the ensemble to the residence of the president's palace Dawn, the building houses the National Congress, the government "Palace of the plateau, the cathedral and other projects. Today they are all recognized as historic monuments. Critics called the style Niemeyer emotional or a romantic modernism for the use of a large number of curved shapes. He has been working with concrete, as if with clay, and deprives him of massiveness, resulting in a plastic building, then drop down like flowers, similar to the frozen streams of water. In this concise form, peculiar to modernism, is preserved. December 18 – February 1, Museum of Architecture. Str. 5, tel. 291 21 09

Russian State Kabarda

For reasons he cites numerous examples of consonance the Ossetian and Ingush names, names of gods of pre-Christian beliefs, etc. Given the endless process of assimilation and resettlement, which is each nation during its formation, it is impossible to talk about the autochthonous in principle. Kinship language indicates only the spatial proximity of the two peoples, but can not indicate the nature of the population a relatively small area Suburban area. Thus, these studies represent only an argument in a dispute that does not have under a rational basis. At the same understanding of the causes of conflict is important recovery of the real historical context, based on facts and objective findings. When considering the Ossetian-Ingush conflict should also consider establishing a relationship of the Ingush, not only with the Ossetians, but also with the central government. For the first time Russia as a centralized state pays attention to the Caucasus in the middle of the xvi century. "Formation and development of the Russian state objective includes ensuring the military security and, accordingly, enhance military and political efforts in the Caucasus as one of the most dangerous and vulnerable. "It is to the reign of Ivan the Terrible are important political actions to Caucasus direction – joining and Kazan in 1552 and 1556, the formal incorporation into the Russian State Kabarda in 1557 and his marriage to Princess Mary Temryukovne Idarov in 1561, in 1567 built the first Russian Fortress Kabarda – Terek town – to help fight the Kabardian princes shamhalstvom Tarkovsky.

Increased Fasteners

The most significant share in total imports has products in China. Share domestic production of construction fasteners in Russia today is, accordingly, no more than 20-30%. Moreover, the majority of domestic manufacturers offered a wide range of insufficient construction fasteners. And produced by domestic companies produce, in most cases, inferior products, such as from China, not only on price but also on quality. The main reasons for low competitiveness Russian production of fasteners in comparison with Chinese experts say: lack of raw materials in the country of sufficient quality, outdated equipment and technology, lack of public support for the industry.

Reduction in the production of construction fasteners in Russia. The declining trend in production of construction fasteners in Russia, according to experts, in the near future will continue, including with regard to price increases metal during the crisis, which adversely affected the profitability of production. In general, the prospects for Russian factories in the market fasteners experts estimate that as dubious, including because of the weak orientation of the major Russian metallurgical plants on the market for mass consumption. Loading of many domestic enterprises for the production of hardware does not exceed 60-70%. For example, the company "MMK-Metiz, most whose production accounts for a building complex, loading on the first quarter of 2009 is about 20-40%. Reducing the profitability of domestic production.

Experts attribute this trend is not only to external factors. In particular, the reduction in profitability is also affected by the high cost of equipment (mostly imported), the lack of cooperation, a clear need to optimize business processes, etc. Lack of state support for domestic production of construction fasteners. This trend not only results in a decrease in production, but also to the closure of a number of industries, particularly all in connection with the reduction of competitiveness of domestic fasteners in comparison with imported products on price. Meanwhile, for example, in Belarus, where there is government support for domestic production, the share of Belarusian producers is about 50%. Increased number of import suppliers, increased competition between the imported suppliers and manufacturers. In particular, the number of suppliers construction fasteners from China. Expansion of Chinese products on the Russian market is a very fast pace. Thus, according to some estimates, over the past 5 years, imports of construction fasteners from China increased fivefold. Also increases number of suppliers from the cis countries, such as Belarus and Ukraine. The proportion of Chinese products under import is dominant share. By some estimates, today around 70% of imports takes products from China, the share of cis countries – about 5% to other producing countries (Germany, Finland, Italy, Sweden) have, respectively, about 25%. Experts also note that the import fasteners from China is increasing every year. For example, in 2007 China's share in the Russian market of construction fasteners was about 50%, 20% below 2009. In general, China is now considered a world leader in fastener construction destination. Emergence of new products on the market of construction fasteners. The emergence of new types of products on the market fasteners driven, according to experts, especially the development of new technologies in construction. Assortment of fasteners in retail outlets is determined mainly by the type of retail outlet. In particular, the chain stores are usually represented by multi-brand products, both European and Chinese manufacturers. Construction markets in more Chinese products sold (the lower and middle price segment).

Valentine Koryakina

” What other reasons can affect a change in price in the new year? Elections raise prices? Importance of elections in recent years has increased dramatically. These results define further the political course of Russia, and also affect the stock market in the country, prices and much more. “There’s a living property Kirov prices have hardly changed – the director of the Academy of Sciences’ Perspective “Valentine Koryakina. – In my opinion, this is largely due to the election. Recently finished Duma elections, and in March will choose a new president. Most likely, the stagnation in prices will continue until early spring. And after the end of the cost of housing will increase.

Politics is politics. To a large extent this will affect the growth, of course, the primary market housing, rather than the secondary. Just think where else to go up further “, who are now in need of major repairs?” With such an outlook in accordance with the majority of the Kirov Realtors. “The primary market will rise in price due to growth in land prices for cement and other construction materials, – says Realtor “Real Estate Agents, Voronova, – if the growing primary market, then clearly more expensive and secondary. We often such a situation: a man opens the newspaper and sees that any apartment costs, for example, half a million rubles, comprehended it, he decides to sell his apartment is for two million. Thus is born a new rise in prices. In the secondary market prices dictated by the people themselves. ” “The top does not want the lower classes could not” If there were serious reasons for the fall of the market, it would undoubtedly have occurred during a period of stagnation.

But once the market find the bottom and below did not go, so its something from the bottom supports. Be maybe it’s the overall growth in living standards and incomes. “Opportunities for people exhausted by mortgages and other loans. Since everyone who wanted to buy flats, they have already acquired two years ago and last year – Larissa commented Missed, an expert on real estate agency “Perseus.” – Although the demand for real estate, financial opportunities kirovchan, namely the ability to pay, has increased significantly. So now Purchasing an apartment in emphasis is not so much on price but on quality housing. ” Prices will be lower? But perhaps, in 2008 the long-awaited decline in prices for apartments in Kirov, since they are already quite high and increase significantly further they have nowhere to go? “At this point in the Kirov region is stagnating market. The market is worth it! If such a situation will last until the New Year, the housing starts a bit cheaper, – says Joan Britvina, director of branch “MIS- property. – Rusty prices have further nowhere. What will happen if the price per square meter will rise, for example, three thousand rubles? Perhaps, throughout Russia and the prices will go up, but we have in the past and this this forecast – Spring stagnating housing market. With regard to prices: if they will grow, it is unlikely to gain the scale of past years. In the coming year in the housing market is most likely a slight increase: in an average of 12-20% per year. And it is hardly reasonable to assume that doubling the value of the Kirov apartments. Although the forecasts, as they say – a thankless task.

PR Manager, Responsibilities And Requirements

In recent years, many companies appeared qualified, the main purpose of which – maintaining a positive public reputation of the company. By the way, from the hard work of these specialists and depends on the prestige of the whole enterprise. In common parlance they are called ‘spin-doctors’, but still competently this specialty is as follows – PR-manager or manager of public relations. In general, a definition of this profession is very difficult, as PR-manager’s duties are quite varied and often depend on the given conditions and in certain situations. However, one thing is certain: it is ‘PR’ create and maintain a favorable public image, it is easier saying, ‘rivet’ image of their organization.

Did you know that in the opinion of professionals, a good pr person should not only have the journalistic talent and creative thinking, but also have established connections in the media, government and business circles, have a basic knowledge of marketing, branding and advertising deal in politics and jurisprudence, be fluent in one or more foreign languages; fully know the specifics and nuances of your organization; great deal in information technology and specialized computer programs. Just such a professional savvy professionals want to see in their company executives. With regard to personality traits, the most important quality that must have the PR-manager – the ability to communicate with new people. And we must not simply ‘chattering incessantly’, and talk, as they say, with feeling, really, with arrangement. After all, the main task of pr man – make a good impression. PR-manager must possess not only a wide range of interests and erudition, he should be an excellent analyst and listener. Note that the very PR-managers say it every time we have to choose between two extremes: the openness and communication skills – on the one hand, and the perseverance and intelligence – on the other. Get this profession in two ways.

First – after secondary education to enter the university with faculty in this direction. The second way – to finish courses. Especially that last day abound. The choice is, there is a will. If it is present, go ahead!

Staff Children

m. Therefore it is necessary beforehand to find a spacious room. Other special requirements for computer clubs – the normal level of electromagnetic radiation. To make sure it “Normality”, ses employees should fix the coefficient of radiation from computers. Of measurements on each machine costs about B1000 rubles, so that obtaining permission from the ses will fly in a round amount. Another organization, which can lead to problems – is the district administration, particularly the department on work with young people. Its employees may be accused of a computer club that he distracts children from learning and collects troubled teens.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that children of school age did not suit the computer fights during school hours. And if the owners of the club will start in his children until 14 years after nine o’clock, You can not just upsetting youth workers, but also running up against a fine from the police. The more potential customers know about the opening of the club, the better. For a start it makes sense to print a small edition and scatter flyers them in doorways nearby houses. The first two days, visitors should serve for free. This will not only attract more people into the club, but also to analyze what services are popular, test your technology. Often, visitors try to get out of the system block some details, and among the staff there are willing to improve your home computer through the club. Therefore, each machine must be supervised.

Professor Richard Obuchi

In times of crisis, only imagination is more important than Einstein conocimiento.Albert already spent nearly two months of 2010 and the new political, economic in the country is serious, coupled with the energy crisis, rationing, expropriation measures taken by the current government, what it represents for the average citizen is not used to it and of course, for companies that need to restructure their production processes, take steps to avoid being affected, over which some are other aspects, resulting from government actions that have impacted significantly on their productivity, such as currencies, commodities, expropriation, nationalization, devaluation, uncertainty. The fact that President Hugo Chavez has already launched its plan for the Venezuelan bolivar devaluation of almost 50% against the dollar.

From now on, instead of a single exchange rate 2.15 Bs-dollar official exchange rate from 2005 – will have a system of three prices: an exchange rate for the staples of 2.60 to the dollar, one for the other items of 4.30 and a market rate. Of course, such action plan as it says Professor Richard Obuchi, professor at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Administration of Venezuela, is an action that the Government had to take place sooner or later, due to significant cumulative inflation since established the official exchange rate, in his opinion, “the negative effects of this policy on the popularity should have prompted the Government to delay this decision as long as possible.” At least until after the legislative elections to be held in September 2010 and that Chavez is facing at the moment, with an approval just under 50%, when a year ago stood at 60%..

The Wisdom Of Solomon

My intention with the following speech is not to convince anyone, nor to demonstrate anything, even if it's true what they'll tell you, it's just an idea that I think may be curious. I was reading "Guide to the Bible" by Isaac Asimov (a great book), a page at random, a small paragraph that talked about the political situation of the Israelis at the time of the judges. The judges this misunderstood word in our Bible, as it relates to judges but not leaders, whose primary function in peacetime was to mediate disputes in their constituencies, create laws, administration, in order to carry out functions tribal leaders. During this period the Israeli people was formed by a number of tribes had in common culture, language etc., But that did not exist as a country, so easy that they were subject to the whims of power outputs, so is easy to see that people were weak and easily conquerable. This got me thinking about biblical characters as Samson, King David, or his son, King Solomon, and on this I want to talk. More specifically from a construction temple described as great and that has given rise to many legends that have resulted in other etc., And from old is believed to contain the key to deciphering the secret name of God, the word with the it is assumed that God created the universe. About all this mythology is born secret societies attempting to protect the secrecy around, get other, always a struggle of good against evil.