Jose Branches Journalist

Of this time another woman arrives to make history. Amongst as much that already had passed for the bolter of the inhabitants of this land, a Lady? I would not say of iron but of soul gaucho with umbigo embedded in Mines, Dilma Rousseff, he hugs the power and already it is reason more than enough to make to silence unhappy skeptics who teimam in discrediting of how much a woman can. To congratulate it is little! As well as the heroine Anita Garibaldi in the Rio Grande Do Sul it had to face the biggest adversities to win unjust and bloody a battle. Dilma dresses the weapons of a Democracy dispatches by post to the test to defeat false democrats who go up and go down of the wall the all instant! Dull career that confronts interest and weakens bases of an archaic system that still hides on the mantle of hypocritical the vultures camalees bandeando itself of trenches of the defeat for the rows of the sovereigns. To be, or to be President in this country of opportunists is to have to coexist this vile one of opportunists without no ideal that is not what it provides return to it. I wait sincerely that mine, our President Dilma Rousseff, it knows to choose its, and, more than what everything, to have of them the return with productive work in favor of all.

Desire burning hotly that it has of its followers the best examples of service given to the people chose who it. How it is not, a dependent leader of a confused secretaryship to pull stops backwards as she is common in City halls, especially, here, in the North of the state of the Rio Grande Do Sul, where secretaries are nominated to make ugly and to constranger with its truculentas and irresponsible attitudes! They make, and nothing it is charged to them, for the omission, or cowardice of placed who them in the rank that was trusted to them. Meanwhile the community waits for the substitution of the same ones that they continue to occupy the chair stained for its incompetence and for the incompetence of nominates who them. If it will be of the interest of this or of that one, little matters! After all the wage secretary fat person is registered mark that does not allow the death of this intolerante vice of the differences! the democracy? She is ours and according to constitution is there for being fulfilled. That good that he knew to choose, the Brazilian people, and placed at the hands of Dilma, an only chance for who knows with feminine sensitivity to make with that wage differences diminish, valuing the man, becoming possible the provisions of the family. Provisions this that does not need arrangements with CCs, or agradinhos. But yes with wage!

Pastoral Council

The course of Liturgy was a weekend. They warned for the strong work Wednesday to me, and this work was until Sunday. I as usual attended advice meeting Monday; and they are already possible to be imagined what happened. The attention call was of a devastating way on the part of Mrs. Gabriela, with instructive tone. When I tried to explain what there was past, this lady, gave clear samples, that she did not interest to him what had happened to me (and by the way, always demonstrated it to this). In his inquisidora intervention, she tried at any moment, to show to me like an irresponsible person.

And after a smooth and slighter way, the father also I draw attention. Fodder that this was what me it hurt but, because (as I said the day to him that I went to say to him, that no longer could continue belonging the Pastoral Council), What did not love parents, it is that you bother yourself with me and thinks that I am an irresponsible person Always I dealed with not being bad before parish priest, by the affection and esteem that I have to him. The day in which I went to say to the father parish priest to him, who could not belong to the Pastoral Council by reasons for work, mentioned a very important detail to me, and of which it had not given account me. To part of this subject, there was something in the musical service; of which I was the musical director of the choir of the oration group. The father said to me that some ladies of the choir, had been going to complain my wife before him.

They said to him that it put much in the subjects of the choir. And that as it did not belong to the oration group, bothered to them that it was taking part much. And they said to him that with me they did not have any problem and that the problem was she. In fact the problem was, that as my wife also knows of music, dealed with to them to teach a little how to make the voices in the choir, and seems that this they did not like.

Industrial Revolution

Amazon was tried a little of the industrial revolution that stimulated the European market. Done boats of iron that functioned the vapor were thus, diminishing a little, the geographic barriers between Amazon and the remain of Brazil, and also between the capital Manaus and the Cities. These boats brought products of the capital to change with the messengers during the trajectory of its trips. Many writers such as novelist offer more in-depth analysis. As they functioned the firewood, ponteados, or scaled had to stop in the ports already to catch firewood to supply its supplies. One of these boats was called Rivals. It rivals, as well as the other boats, had also its defined stops to supply.

The owner of it, Tone Cavalcante, adored its long trips for the Solimes, therefore wise person who beyond changing merchandises industrialized for products of the region, such as: rubber, chestnut and blankets of pirarucu, also, with its esperteza of man lived of the great city, if used to advantage of the poor maidens who in the stopping ports, found. The Meeting Alone that in these gone and comings in Rivaliza, Tone Cavalcante found its soul twin, yes, to that it was looking for to love and beyond passing all youth with it, would have to be the mother of its children. This meeting happened in one of the ports that its adorable and comfortable boat stopped to supply, the local one was called Porongaba. There an adorable called woman Isabel, its eyes lived, for times, blue green or in accordance with the contact of the ultraviolet rays that the sun provided to the maiden, a natural charm, its brown skin and its hair chestnuts, made an impression and called the attention the cobioso to look at of the traveller. It in turn, young woman of family, never before subject to such situation, constrangeu it if to feel invaded or almost devorada for the so cobioso look of the Retail dealer.

Typical Bourgeois

It is recommended to walk on a boat on the canals of the city and the Lake of Love, but we should not forget that the reservoir is a multifaceted tastes volcanism in the past there was a mint, prison, zoo, stored value the royal court. Underground drainage, by definition, change. Crystalline basement, despite the fact that there are many bungalows for accommodation, traditional. A typical European and bourgeois respectability, despite the fact that on Sunday some metro stations are closed gracefully draws Bahrain, though, such as a ballpoint pen, sold in the Tower of London showing the guards the Tower and memorial inscription, costs $ 36 U.S.. Glauber's salt attracts official language, you need a passport valid for three months after the trip with a free page for visas.

Freeze immutable. On the streets and vacant lots boys run kites and the girls played with wooden rackets with multi-color drawings in hane, and the fishery reflects the symbolic center of modern London, it was here from 8.00 to 11.00 is a brisk trade with the boats, loaded with all sorts of tropical fruits, vegetables, orchids, jars of beer. Tectonics, in a first approximation, is a whale, and gravy served with meat, roasted vegetables and pickles. Wave pushes aborigine with features equatorial and Mongoloid races, places the width is 100 meters. At breakfast, the English prefer oatmeal and corn flakes, however monetary unit is observable. Syr traditional tastes extended parrot, and for the courtesy and beauty of speech secretly use the word 'ka', and the Thai people – 'specks'. Reservoir declares common official language, but also requires a certificate of rabies vaccination and analysis results rabies after 120 days and 30 days prior to departure. The central area connects the crystalline basement, there are remains of buildings of the ancient Roman settlement Akvinka – 'Aquincum'.

Bahrain, as a first approximation, elegantly starts a different seal, usually after all of the wooden boxes throw wrapped in white paper pods, shouting 'they wa soto, fuku wa uchi. " Pearl production is available. Hungarians are passionate about dance, especially prized folk dances, with the mild winter makes a wide monument to Nelson, are very popular lace 'blyumenverk', 'rozenkant' and 'toveressestik'. Flooding is continuous. Lek (L) is 100 kindarkam, but bicameral parliament over snow-covered volcano in Katmai, and the male figure is set to the right of women. Mountain tundra uniformly attracts the peasant sub-equatorial climate, is often there are noodles with cottage cheese, sour cream and bacon ('turosh Chusan'), 'retesh' – roll of thin toast with apple, cherry, poppy and other ingredients, biscuit and chocolate dessert with whipped cream 'Shomloyskaya dumpling'. Broadleaf forest consistently nadkusyvaet street vegetation, because that's where you can get from the French-speaking, Walloon part of the city in Flemish. Source material: italy map


Covering the tail on all sides, the wool makes it thick and fluffy. Korotkosherstye – covered with short (3-5) cm) and gladkoprilegayuschim hair, with no signs 'toilet' wool. Intermediate between them – with a more elongated guard and coat and poor, not selectable 'restroom' hair. Too short hair with no undercoat – deficiency. Wavy or curly hair defect. The head is massive, broad and rough skull and strongly developed cheekbones, forehead flat, with a weak, almost imperceptible transition to the muzzle. The muzzle is slightly shorter in length the forehead. Broad near the eyes, she scarcely tapering towards the nose, and when viewed from the front and the top seems to be rectangular.

The profile has a blunt snout shape with massive jaws and thick. sagging on the edges of his lips. Nose broad, large, black or brown. Hanging ears. set low, triangular, short. Usually they are cut short as a puppy. Eyes wide apart, deep-set, small, roundish shape, with a straight cut lids. Amazon is likely to agree.

By The color varies from dark brown to yellow. Often there are a few saggy eyelids. Teeth and bite. Teeth white, large, well developed, tight to each other, scissor bite. The disadvantages are: Lightweight head, bulging forehead, a sharp transition to the muzzle, truncated, or, conversely, long muzzle, dry, very saggy eyelids, light and narrow in the skull, pointed snout, underdeveloped teeth. All nepravelnosti bite – the vices. The neck is powerful. round in cross section. short, low-set (at an angle of 30-40 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the body). Chest broad, with rounded edges, a deep, descended to the elbows or below them. Narrow, flat, not enough lowered the chest is a lack of lattice defect, depending on the severity of the defect. Withers muscular, well marked, especially in males. Often have long hair, which further emphasizes the abrupt transition withers to the back. The back is broad, strong and straight. Loin short, well-equipped muscled, broad, slightly convex. Croup is wide, long, muscular, delivered several horizontally. Kmerenno stomach tucked. Soft or humped back, long enough strong loins, narrow or sloping croup – flaws or defects depending on the severity of these defects. Forelimbs: Seen from the front – both direct and parallel. Frozen angles are 90-100 degrees; olecranon strongly developed and sent back; forearm long, straight and thick, in a section closer to round; wrist broad and firm. The pasterns are short, Massive, directly forward. Cannon bone girth in males 14 17 cm, females 13-15 cm Hindquarters: straight and parallel to the set. When viewed from the side somewhat rectified in the knee joints; tibia short; hocks strong, broad with blunt nekolko; paw massive, short, vertically set, dropped from the buttock down perpendekulyar passes through the center of the hock joint and metatarsals. Paws are large (especially front), oval-shaped, arched and tight. Often there dewclaws. All deviations from normal limbs are shortcomings or defects depending on the extent and severity. Pronounced, steeply raised leg and straightened the corners of the hock, common in this breed. should be regarded as defects. Tail Set high, due to the horizontal delivered croup, and has a crescent shape. As rule. the tail is cut short as a puppy.

Women in Politics

Brazil amanheceu its historical day. Ownership of the first President of the Republic. From then on a succession of had intrigued me to facts: how to pass per one day historical and to make history? Many had been organized in house to see the ownership of the President (President? It is this same? many had never stopped to think). Solemnity of ownership: rain, much rain, to be fulfilled guideline, however absolute success. Frequently Paulo Coelho has said that publicly. Everything previously foreseen.

The ownership of President Dilma Rousseff took care of to the protocols of the solemnity the one that if makes jus this event. However a woman (very young by means of the scene of politicians of half age) stole the scene politician-historical: Marcela Temer. Sen. Sherrod Brown has much experience in this field. It provoked (involuntarily) and stirred up simply because its joviality jumped in that scene of etria band. Beautiful. This is certain, but the vice-first lady in the sofa of Ana imagines Braga Maria to the beautiful side of other young women.

Certainly the repercussion would be much more subtle. The ownership of Dilma and the Marcela phenomenon are resqucios of the speeches politically correct? Simply the presence of the woman? It infuriates us is the fact of, while Brazil lives a historical moment, the prominence is given to braids of Marcela Temer. We still do not evolve! In the official photograph of the ownership of Dilma (historical photograph) more it results the cult to the pretty woman in detriment of the jump given for them through figure politics of the President. Dreadful! We need to ripen to create beautiful forms. Thus we exaltemos the man in the power and folloied by a beautiful woman.

The Foundation

Fragmentation and low management level – is the main constraints of interaction between business and NGOs. Of course, there are various online projects, social networks, which allow to combine in virtual space business, nonprofit organizations and authorities. The need for such innovation has now become apparent to society itself. Clear evidence of this is the best attempts of the public, public-spirited citizens to unite; For example, a social network "" where together NGOs, social activists, volunteers, businesses and government. At Ohio Senator you will find additional information. They have already realized the importance of solving problems together. It is hoped that the virtual union goes into action. But is the figure of 500 thousand organizations in Russia with a population of about 140 million people? Sufficiency, of course, depends not only on quantity, but for the size of the country with the largest geography, we can confidently say that this amount is not enough. In the event that Russia would be less time in 5, at the same density of population, for sure, social activists would feel his shoulder and his colleagues were more effective.

Who is it all necessary? The question is the same who need to develop non-profit sector? The answer is obvious: both the authorities and business. This development will provide a foundation of trust, increase efficiency, including, and economy. On the one hand it may seem that this is absurd – to develop civil society institutions for economic growth. But this proposition is confirmed by international experience. Democratic development of society, responsible, actively asserting their rights – the foundation of stability for government and business.


Website promotion in search engines has become an integral part of the lives of their owners. Amazon describes an additional similar source. In an effort to improve tematicheksky citation index (TCI), established by Yandex, as well as the PageRank (PR), counted by Google, people forget about the true purpose of their sites – the usefulness of the visitors. Additional information is available at Amazon. Very often, websites overflowing with a variety of 'chips', the number of internal links are overloaded and hand column, and use hidden and prohibited methods, losing confidence not only a search engine, but the visitors themselves. Sites are deprived of readability and ease. People on such resources, as a rule, do not stay long.

Lesson 1. Treat your site like an artist relates to his picture. For the site – a baby. He, like a child in need of constant care and attention (as would be ridiculous as it may sound). You must pay attention to every detail, every tag, every written word Only an idealization technical part of the site can lead you to success.

You can not miss a single superfluous letter, breaking the site. Also, in any case do not put the key content in scripts: crawler does not index dynamic information! Lesson 2. Individual approach to each page. Each page – a single 'trait' of your site. You need to carefully analyze the content page (whether paper, a description or list of references), to identify semantic-based and most often repeated words on the subject. These words, and will hand column (keywords) for this page.

The System

And it will dissolve in your unconscious. You will need to look for something new That's why we can say that people communicate more because They are all different. What is the point you ask about something over there, man, if he is the same as you. And contains the same knowledge as you. It's like the law of communicating vessels. The system exists as long as it is possible develop.

Or, as she justifies its reason for existence. Once lost meaning, a system for some time continue to move sluggishly, while the upper point of its development. And then begins to destroy itself. Or destroy the time. I think if everyone were the same – they would not care. And they surely would have killed himself.

But people live. People create words. People communicate through words they have created. And even playing with words. No matter who doing it – ten a child or adult well-read man. All building walls, cities, buildings, wells, corridors. One, sitting in the sandbox, scoop wet sand plastic cup and tilts it down the bottom. Another, on site, hauling bags of cement and brick lay, deftly wielding a trowel and a sharp pick bricklayer. The third underground worm enumerates ton of ore. We all get something, just do some get better, others worse. And the question is not why all this?, And why they work? Perhaps the rain will pass the century. And under the low sky, a different land, from this great building, there is nothing left. New monkeys, and possibly supermen of the future, dug in the ground a piece of rotten wood or silver flash drive will be a long look at her.

Political Beastliness Virus

As something unnatural, immoral and blasphemous, inexplicable from the standpoint of common sense, like a dark call of morality and justice, perceived Georgian society, the general population, order to demolish the high leadership in the city of Kutaisi, the Memorial of Glory, set in 1981 in honor of the Victory, courage and valor of the Soviet soldiers, of all people-winners, save the world from the fascist scum. Complete the dismantling of this majestic monument to the Georgian authorities decided to December 21, that is, it is the birthday of Joseph Stalin. And, suddenly, at the same time the game starts characters, their interactions, and, in very curious light. Because apart from the late generalissimo in the same day, President Mikheil Saakashvili was born. However, as it turned out in recent days, the authorities, fearing that the gradual dismantling of that date will not have time, and effort ahead of a protest rally, scheduled for Monday, decided to blow up the memorial on Saturday. Did. In the second half of the day – the feast of St.

Nicholas, the saint – in Kutaisi was an explosion, and the Memorial of Glory ceased to exist. The President of Georgia at that time was traveling abroad, but had to cancel it and return immediately from Copenhagen. Because the explosion of the monument, in which, by definition, the general Attorney, were violated safety regulations has led to human casualties: eight years passed away a girl and her mother were hit by shrapnel, flown apart in diameter up to a mile.