Karl Marx

Karl Marx: the trend of the formation of a Possibly globalizada economic society, the first author to tell to which economic routes social that the world if directed he was Karl Marx. When writing the Manifest classic of the communist party, Marx did not intend to make forecasts regarding the future world-wide economy. However, it visualized the trend of the creation of a globalizado world, without borders for the circulation of good, capital and hand of workmanship: The old feudal organization of the industry, where this circumscribed age the closed corporations, already could not satisfy to the necessities that grew with the opening of new markets. It substituted it to the manufacture. The small industrial bourgeoisie supplanted the masters of the corporations; the division of the work between the different corporations disappeared ahead of the division of the work inside of the proper workshop. However, the markets extended each time more: the search of merchandises always increased. The proper manufacture became insufficient; then, the vapor and the machinery had revolutionized the industrial production. The great modern industry supplanted the manufacture; the average manufacturing bourgeoisie yielded place to millionaire of the industry, to the heads of true industrial armies, to the bourgeois modern.

The great industry created the world-wide market chemical preparation for the discovery of America: the world-wide market prodigiously sped up the development of the commerce, the navigation and the medias for land. This development reacted in turn on the extension of the industry; e, to the measure that the industry, the commerce, the navigation, the railway ways if developed, grew the bourgeoisie, multiplying its capitals and relegating as plain the classrooms bequeathed for the Average Age. (MARX, 2010, p 7) a globalizada society would be harmful to the common citizen, and the prevention of this badly would be given, according to author, through a revolution of the proletariat in desfavor of the bourgeoisie and the subsequent implantation of a socialist regimen.

The Life

As well as he did not obtain to enclose the proper rationality of the orality, a rationality that folloies the human being throughout all the life, in all the societies, this model of school also does not obtain to enclose the complexity of the current world and to incorporate the new forms of organization, thought and construction of the knowledge that are emerging with the TICs. (BONILLA apud CIBERCULTURA, 2009, P. 33). However, being in full vigor and advance of the conditions estruturao of the new partner-cultural paradigm in the society hodierna, namely, the cibercultura, the pedagogia insists on if keeping modern centered in the logic of assimilation of techniques and knowledge. It elapses of this, that the school if keeps firm in the intention to have a relation ‘ ‘ utilitarian-instrumental’ ‘ with the education technologies. As he points Pretto, you are welcome he advances to educate in the cibercultura if the pedagogias not to give conditions to work with the difference while fundante element of the human process. (…) you are welcome he advances to think about preparing for the future as being a preparation for the market, to prepare for the future, if this preparation to continue centered in the teaching and the learning of techniques for the simple use of the technologies, understood as still on to the logic utilitarian-instrumental’ ‘ (PRETTO, s.d., P. 172).

To understand the TICs, in the nucleus of the school from this pedagogical reducionismo ‘ ‘ (…) it empties the TICs of its basic characteristics and the education continues as it is, alone that with new and advanced resources tecnolgicos’ ‘ (PRETTO apud BONILLA apud CIBERCULTURA, 2009, P. 37). Ahead of this paradoxical situation that if finds pedagogia in relation to the direction of formation of the cibercultura, the research in education needs to understand the cibercultura as ‘ ‘ (…) the set of techniques (material and intellectual), of practical, attitudes, ways of thought and values that if develop together with the growth of ciberespao.

Internet If

I suggest that it starts to divulge and to vender in sites as the free Market. Particular lessons for seduction Catching a hook in this subject, if you like and if she considers apt (o) to teach to people sensual dances as the dance of the womb, in bars or any dance that can give life to a ertica or sensual fancy, this market is an excellent option, since lessons particular with professionals of the branch they are a little expensive. All we human beings to the times want to leave the routine, and we are very pleasant to think about pleasing the (o) partner (o), we start with friends (). Informtica and Internet This modality can be one of the infinite possibilities of if gaining money in the comfort of its home. The list of activities is extremely vast, but it would like to indicate some as domestic and in such a way professionally amateur.

If you are formed (a) for example in Accounting, exactly that she works in some company and it on some vacant time, you you can try to obtain extra works, a good tip you are to try some partnership with some office of accounting that to repass services the independent professionals. To mount one home Office, many companies use professionals of this type for diverse areas, are much more income-producing, economic and with much more quality of life. Other activities in the world of the Internet If you really like to sail in the Internet, you possessed computer, printer, and connection broad band of Internet, knows that it has many forms to gain an extra money in house, confers the relation: – Services of research in general; – Digitao of pertaining to school works and texts (one remembers the risks, if not to type well or worse still, if not to know to write in correct way this activity is not fit you); – Elaboration of resumes (since that it knows the best ones, more appropriate and more used models of the same); – Printed matters in general (impression of brochures, posters, in end leves in general); – Its printer will be of the multi-functional type, will be able to execute works of act of receiving and transmission of FAX, digitalizao in general; To carry through these simple and too much works cited throughout this post, I recommend that you spread some posters for the quarter, as in markets, bakeries, schools/colleges etc.

The Agricultural

Amazonian Afronteira which Becker affirms above, in which the capital goes impondopleno control in the formation of the Amazonian space establishes ' ' new coordenadas' ' so to speak, that they print new Nessecaso in question valley to point out in lower court that the national elites eas national companies (even so they had the objective to create companies with capitalnacional) had a legislation that she allowed to the presence of investments and foreign ousociedades, flexibilizando the legislation and allowing associaode foreign transnational corporations with the national companies – and emsegunda instance for the model to tripolar between the government, the national empresasinternacionais and elites and the institutions you would bank that if favorecemcom legislaes produced with purposes you specify that for its criampolticas times you publish tendenciosas and total bring damages without precedents incurring quaseque into state of social exclusion, according to BECKER (1997). The autoranos> modelotrip described for BECKER (1997) if benefit mutually excluding desseprocesso the population that lived in entorno of the companies who fixed for todaa Amazon region. Saying still to sobreos historical and occupational processes of the Amaznia authors REYDON MUNIZ (1982), add that the occupation of the Amaznia, were tied aosfenmenos geopolitical and economic decurrent basically of substances-primaspara the external market, corroborating with the ideas of Becker. They affirm that at as a moment, aocupao passes to be defined by the necessity of territorial expansion defronteiras to take care of> contingents of populations agricultural exceeding, donordeste, south and Southeastern of Brazil, with described causes for some authors, quevo since the phenomena of the droughts, mechanization of the agricultural production, danecessidade of search of the speculation space and or survival all concatenated essassituaes give to sufficiently proper characteristics the region assimcomo the diversities and inaqualities between the regions (grifo mine). We will see logoa to follow that the Brazilian government is bigger responsible for the creation of polticaspublicas and projects in the Amazon region. .

The Atendimentos

Vinici and Farah (2001) clarify that, currently, the clinic-school surpassed these two initial purposes and acts today also as a space so that the pupils develop research and participate of extension projects, beyond giving attendance to community. Then, the clinic-school became a source where they are collected given referring to the atendimentos, to the characteristics of the taken care of people, to the average time of the atendimentos, to the factors that favor, or not, the psicoteraputico success and others. These data are used as base for the elaboration of new projects and research, in a continuous process of inquiry that only has to favor the teach-learning of the graduation pupils and its future insertion in the professional market. Of this form, with support in Perfeito and Melo (2004), it can be said that in its more recent configuration, the clinic-school consists as a tripod of the superior education, uniting in one alone space education, the research and the extension. By means of the period of training, the pupil has conditions to place, in practical, what he learned in the theory, acquiring clinical experience. The activities of research among others allow that it verifies, inquiries, the effectiveness and the result of its interventions, being this practical one forms to articulate the theoretical knowledge with the period of training. Ademais, in the clinic-school, is possible to visualize and to understand, of clearer form, the changes that occur with the individuals.

The extension, in turn, of to the pupil the possibility to work directly with the community. Poelman and others (2009) stand out this aspect of the extension, affirming that the clinic-school of Psychology is one of the doors that the university opens for the community, in such way that this can receive the benefits from the academic activity, materialized in the form of the atendimentos offered for the trainees. It is verified, in the present time, a movement of expansion of the services given in the scope of the clinic-school.

Got Some

' ' In the Code' ' , launched in 1996, possua hits ' ' In My Tree' ' , ' ' Hail, Hail' ' , ' ' Red Mosquito' ' , ' ' Lukin' ' , ' ' Smile' ' ' ' Who You Are' '. The next album, ' ' Yield' ' , and the first record to the living creature of the group, ' ' Live on Two Legs' ' , they had been launched in 1998. In 2000, the band launches ' ' Binatural' ' , with the successes: ' ' God' s Dice' ' , ' ' Nothing the It Seems' ' , ' ' Light Years' ' , ' ' Soon Forget' ' , ' ' Sleight of Hand' ' ' ' Grievance' '. ' ' Riot Act' ' it appeared in 2002, whose bigger success is the song ' ' I Am Mine' '. Already in 2003, the group it launches the coletnea Lost Dogs and Live at the Garden. In the following year, an album with its performance acoustics, the Live at Benaroya Hall (2004) is placed in the market.

In 2006, an album with the same name of the group (Pearl Jam) is launched. In 2009, the COMPACT DISC ' ' Backspacer' ' place of the Billboard Top 200 is launched with the heading of 1 and its prominence is for ' ' The Fixer' ' ' ' Got Some' '. In 2011, the band launches its more recent work ' ' Live On Ten Legs' '. Influential group in the scene grunge of years 90 and that persevera in its success until today, the Pearl Jam is a great icon of the musical scene. If to want to know more on its famous songs, have access the site of letters and confer the letters of musics of the Pearl Jam.

Anderson Ribeiro Olivae

When thinking about Africa is as an automatic message the co-relation between slavery, misery and exploration on the part of the Europeans. Still we are inserted in one eurocntrica appearance that persists in encircling the pertaining to school banks, creating a certain imaginary occidental person on Africa. This positioning is ratified in the words of Anderson Ribeiro Olivae m its article: history of Africa in the pertaining to school banks. Representations and imprecises in didactic literature. (p.430): If the objective is here to analyze the form as the Africans and the History of Africa had been represented in the didactic literature of History, becomes indispensable to make an incursion for some of the works that had tried to clarify as the imaginary occidental person on Africa and the Africans were gestado. Boardings of the authors on Africa and its representations in analyzed books are of little contribution to understand its context in such a way politician, economic, social and cultural.

In all these analyzed workmanships the authors place that the black was vendido as merchandise in Brazil of century XIX, for reinforcement of the workmanship hand, and as such indispensable age. Therefore it is important to remember that the black did not come of a disorganized continent, without culture, tradition and past. But for the colonizador European of Africa it was different, for this the African black was an inferior being and that it only served it stops to serve, an object, a thing, ignoring its history and its personality. According to Mattoso (2003, P. 24) Africa had true organized empires, with unquestioned tribes and authorities there, also met tribal confederations and cities put with its rich markets in the way of the gold, the spices and ivory. Its markets were rich in varieties of things as salt and until slaves, in all Africa if it found, fishing a people, shepherd, trader and agriculturist warlike what it makes in them to see that the European tried to erase the history of Africa as if he did not exist until its arrival, and unhappyly this eurocntrica vision this being reproduced until today in our Brazilian didactic books.

Election Polarization

The attempt of polarization of the 2010 elections, between PSDB and PT and the choices of its candidates (), and the expectation on the routes that the true left must follow are the facts that center the attentions in the conjuncture politics of the country. This attempt of polarization of the elections between PSDB and PT and the not governmental cooptao of the social movements, unions and organizations for part of the current government is factors complicadores for the left. They come to still add itself, the disorganization and lack of agglutinated option of the true left in parties PSOL, PSTU and PCB that, the main name for the electoral dispute had in Heloisa Helena, with certain viability to polarize the elections with the candidates of the right. This picture is closely on with the crisis of the socialism even so has had significant episodes of resistance in special, in the American south continent with the victories of Hugo Keys, Venezuela; Evo Morales, Bolivia; Rafael Leather strap, Equator and Fernando Lugo in Paraguay. But, in the generality here in Brazil, the parties and forces of left, destarte, they have not obtained to oppose (however for incompreenso of the reality, however for deficiency of formation of public politics of enfretamento to the capitalist model that attracts the great mass.

Or still for diffuse influence between parcels of the popular sectors of the predominant teses between the detainers of the power. It also lacks of alternative projects (that I confiscate of the prerequisite minimums of citizenship) has favored to the sensitization of significant conceived practical certain parcels of the population the religious ones as opium e, many times, simultaneously, the teses and politically antidemocratic solutions. It is, in last instance, the ground historical> produced for the implementation of these politics and, therefore, of dramatizao of the absence of the State (that is, of public politics directed toward the enfretamento of the picture of poverty of ample parcels of the population) that the politics of the Stock market is inserted eleitoreira Family of president Lula and its PT, preceded and folloied of bulk and strident campaign of media.

Government Felipe Gonzlez

I want to recover the Social-Democratic impulse, says Gonzlez. Gonzlez has predicted that who wins will not take drastic measures. It will do only it, it says, to partide of the next month of June, before no. The ex- president of the Government Felipe Gonzlez has been sorry to see the militants of the PSOE with " the arms cados" to nte the general elections of the 20 of November and have animated " to go to by todas". Gonzlez has confessed east feeling in the conference that has distributed in the Institute Jaime Side, under the title " The challenges of future of the EU and the economy espaola" , organized in Galapagar (Madrid) by the Foundation Ideas, tie to the PSOE. " I want to recover the Social-Democratic impulse and it gives pain me that the party has the fallen arms, gives desire me of zamarrear one by one to people and saying: we go to by todas" , it has confessed exlder of the Socialists.

Gonzlez has recognized to be worried not only about " the mood of the people of the party and, generally, izquierda" , but also so that if the Socialists win, " no I know if they know clearly what they go to hacer". At the same time, it has said to be sure that if 20-N gains the PP, " it does not know clearly what goes to hacer" , because the leader of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, " he does not want to clarify to his program oculto" . Exj of the Government has resorted to a Mexican resemblance to already describe the behavior of Rajoy when seeing itself in the Palace of Moncloa: " It is swimming of muertito. It does not move the arms, the wave takes to the border. Why to be shaken? If it is shaken, perhaps hunde".

Neonatal Selection

These depend on a good prognostic and treatment since the neonatal period so that they do not hinder a good quality of life. Without the test, and having itself in sight that the majority of the patologias alone presents symptoms in elapsing of the first years of life of the child, the health of the individual could be engaged (AMORIM; SOUZA, 2005). He has objective to detect patologias and to treat illnesses precociously. The test is safe, fast, simple and practically painless (GARCI’A; BLACKSMITH; OLIVEIRA, 2007); (AMORIM; SOUZA, 2005). By means of this test, he can yourself be detected the congenital hipotireoidismo, the fenilcetonria, cystic the falciforme anemia, fibrose and other hemoglobinopatias (LION; AGUIAR, 2008); (AMORIM; SOUZA, 2005); (HE HISSES; LACERDA, 2003). The neonatal selection means separation, choice, that is, the just-been born ones are separate in two groups: one constituted of those that can have an illness and another one for that not it capacity to correctly identify those children who have the illness, that is, without (or with very little) false-negative and reasonable especificidade (capacity to identify those correctly that do not have the illness, that is, with few false-positives) (LION; AGUIAR, 2008) (BRAZIL, 2002).

The National Program of Neonatal Selection covered 78.9% of the born livings creature in Brazil, and 85.4%, in the state of Gois (BRAZIL, 2007). Implanted in Brazil in 1976, the program of neonatal selection for fenilcetonria was carried through by the APAE/SP. In 1986, the detention of congenital hipotireoidismo was enclosed in the examination (HISSES; ZAGONEL; LACERDA, 2003). The mothers must receive the necessary information on the neonatal selection, will have to be informed to them, for the professionals of the health, regarding the procedure that will be> executed, as well as the purpose of the test (GARCI’A; BLACKSMITH; OLIVEIRA, 2007); (AMORIM; SOUZA, 2005). These information must be passed by the professionals who will act directly with the mothers in the occasion of the birth, increasing the probability of these mothers to have the understanding adjusted concerning the importance of neonatal selection e, thus, to take its children for the accomplishment of the test of pezinho in adequate time (AMORIM; SOUZA, 2005); (HE HISSES; ZAGONEL; LACERDA, 2003).