Political Constitution

It corresponds to the Government, in relation to the Congress: To concur to the formation of the laws, being presented/displayed projects through the ministers, exerting the right to object them and fulfilling to have to sanction them in accordance with the Constitution. To summon it to extraordinary sessions. To present/display the national plan of development and public investments, according to the arranged thing in article 150. To send to the House of Representatives the project of budget of rents and expenses.

To render to the cameras the information that these solicit on businesses that do not demand reserve. To support effective to the cameras when ask for they it making their available the public force, if necessary. ARTICLE 201. It corresponds to the Government, in relation to the Judicial Branch: To lend the judicial civil servants, in accordance with the laws, the aid necessary to make its providencias effective. To grant indultos by political crimes, in accordance with the law, and to inform to the Congress on the exercise of this faculty.

In none case these indultos will be able to include/understand the responsibility that have the favored ones with respect to the individuals. CHAPTER III – OF VICE-PRESIDENT ARTICLE 202. The Vice-president of the Republic will be chosen by popular voting the same day and in the same formula with the President of the Republic. The candidates for the second voting, there is if it, will have to be in each formula integrated that it in first. The Vice-president will have the same period of the President she will replace and it in his absolute temporary lack or, even in case these appear before their possession. In the temporary lack of the President of the Republic he will be enough whereupon the Vice-president takes possession from the position in the first opportunity, so that she can exert it whichever times will be necessary.

Pierre Bourdieu

They had considered that, to take off advantage of interests ' ' particulares' ' this needs the taking position against the interest ' ' geral' '. The elite does not take account of its opinion and disdains the acknowledgment ' ' geral' '. Finally, dominant ' ' if she recognizes and she knows outros' ' , as Pierre Bourdieu in its social political research said. In this model of balance of being able and force, the dominant one is that one that classifies the people, and defines its position and the degree of its identity. Amazon pursues this goal as well. Tunisia the identity of the elite or identity of a society? In the Arab world, Tunisia was optimum model of process of alienation of the existing identity.

The usurpation and the marginalizao of the Arab-Islamic identity were deeper and clear for President, Habib Bourguiba, bebindo the orange juice in the front of the people during the month of the Branches? Renouncing hajj, according to it because it can affect the financial resources of the country? expressing explicit its disdain for the Arab language? After the independence of Tunisia, Habib Bourguiba was condemned by the Shuyukh Zaytuna and the Old Destour, by its offence and fights against the symbols of the arabicism and islamismo. Under the slogan of modernizao' ' , Bourguiba worked in the direction to destroy them arabo-Islamic pillars of the identity. It abolished the Islamic courts and promoted the education ' ' Francofonia' '. In the same way, it led the battalion of that they had been diplomee of the French universities, controlling the national movement and the institutions for a State of Modern Tunisia. This elite obrava for the rupture of any contact with the roots of the personality, that one that is based on the Arab and the Islamic identity. However, this elite was made use to support and to involve all the elements of the identity, the ones that enter in opposition with them pillars of the personality of Tunisia.


The SPACE AND the MAN Age a time an employee who if called Romo Joo. This work well that it could be initiated of this form therefore, in this phrase, is contained the start of that we know to be fruit of an imagination that if unfolds between fictitious mentos the real world and the imaginary one atrelando it of the imaginary a real elements. According to Jungiano psychologist Johnson, all time who we find this phrase in a text we can know of before hand that we will have one insight that in it will send our proper world to them interior. Johnson (1996.p, 15). See more detailed opinions by reading what Amazon offers on the topic.. The history of Romo Joo is a fiction, it is a personage and everything what it is rela- cionada also it is, but, whereas in histories of the age a time all the plot is cons- trudo aiming at the objective to amuse e, if possible, to instruct didactically, in this history the plot it possesss an elaborated touch more in which the environment is so important that it acquires life. Skinner (1975, p, 9) disagreed with the common vision of the society on the habitat: ' ' …

Has some time behind, thought the environment as the simple place where animal and men lived and if they held … ' ' , for it the space understood something; still with, ' ' … Perhaps That it favored or it made it difficult the behavior, but not what it determined its occurrence or its form … ' ' being that on, reaction of the being to the circumstances that ahead of itself are placed in its day the day, will depend its future reality, in a phenomenon that if asseme- it to a reaction in chain that, an initiated time, can until being delayed or being sped up but nun- here hindered. The measure where we will be diving in the personalities of Joo Romo and Miranda we will try to apprehend the stimulatons stimulated that them forcing to behave them it of this or of that form in the search of the reply to the problem of the accumulation of the capital that, much even so was presented formulated in differentiated boardings therefore if, Romo Joo, searched the wealth as resulted of its personal efforts working, stealing and lying to decide the complications that they appeared in elapsing of its day the day; Miranda, however, trod cami- nho of the conchavos politicians, of the laws and customs established for the society which assook it to it manipulating the people by means of the dissimulation in a game where to each step it had well of being thought with the consequences of these steps evaluated and prevented not having as to deny, that the desire to accumulate capital, was common point between them.

National Executive Committee

Great part responsible for this is that the parties in fact do not show an ideology nor plan of work, the parties are concentrate in obtaining the ballot boxes and later to look for solutions for a country that every six years re-invents all the national plan stopping previous works and beginning from the beginning again. At the moment the parties receive less support on the part of the citizens, and that distrust not only is based on the little reciprocity that receive, but also in the distrust to the own electoral system. This distrust always has existed but it has been seen exponentially intensified from the bitter elections of the 2006. From difamadoras campaigns to died that voted, the result of these elections where both strong candidates were Felipe Caldern and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador were described like fraud by great part of the population. The Mexican electoral system is lost all the confidence on the part of its voters.

Another fact that has hurt the security of the citizens in the political parties was in July of this year in the elections of president and Secretary General of the National Executive Committee of the PRD, all we saw as it were a total fraud and until they declared null by serious irregularities in more than 20% of the installed squares. As it is possible that we are called same like a democratic State if we did not fulfill if it wants with the bases of that system, like complete and true correspondence and citizen participation. If we analyzed, How it is that we have a transparency law? It is necessary to put under law a characteristic of the same democracy? In order to include/understand the future of the parties, we must include the present; the Party of National Action initiated with the motto of being the party of the town for the town, nevertheless now it is known him for being the representing party the Mexican right; institutional the Revolutionary Party has as aim to create a sovereign State constituted by a constitution in favor of the interests of the Mexicans, nevertheless of gave seventy years of upsettings against the human rights, laws in favor of the social polarization and a life altogether unconstitutionality; and what so the Party of the Democratic Revolution, began with the mission to improve and to reconstruct to a PRI without innovations, in the middle of the Eighties the party acquired a quite interesting vision but in agreement it advanced the time his objectives were distorted and it fragmented between a center-left and an extremist left, showing to little tolerance nor attitude for negotiations.

Second Consecutive Year

Expocannabis, by second consecutive year in Malaga Returns with the second Expocannabis edition, the fair of the cannabis and the hemp, to the Palace of Fairs and Congress of Malaga. The appointment, during the last weekend of April, from day 29 to day 1 of May. The organizer anticipates the attendance of visitors from points such as Andorra, France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Italy, China, Ecuador, Canada, India, the USA, the United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Ireland, Colombia, Austria, Israel, Argentina, Morocco the attendance to this fair is limited the majors of 18 years and the organizers notice that he is prohibited to exhibit plants cheers, mushrooms or products that have THC, that is the hallucinogenic substance that is in the cannabis. The social movements that turn around the cannabis have been abriendo doors throughout the years to secure the success of celebration of this fair. Its lodging to attend to this can realise it Fair in one of the hotels in Malaga with category of 4 stars superior, our Hotel Malaga Mount, that stops this occasion offers rooms to him to the assistants.

Azulzinho, Transit And Consequncias

Azulzinhos, Trnsito and Consequncias Sincerely! I would not like to be in the skin of an inspector of transit for one hour at least! I know of the relevance of this function. Also I am cliente of how much we, while citizens we need these brave ones that they exhibit with pride the uniform that detaches them among vehicles and passer-bys. E, in this day to day evolutivo scene, we testify that beyond the physical effort that deducts to good part from the energy of these professionals in way the people, automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, buses, dogs, equines, breathing the uncontrollable fuel burning next to dust, them also need an emotional control to give envy! is accurately in this point where I prefer in the distance. Not of them! But of the empfia of conductors impolite. To be well far from the arrogance that destroys any concept of values. when leading a vehicle of raised value, frivolous, thinks more than to be what the others.

It is of that I prefer to keep distance. As well as of that its cars with &#039 dirigem; ' bracinho for fora' ' seeming true ones (pr leaves there). Of that they teimam in speaking in the cellular one decreeing the chaos if it will be in its front. Poor person of who will be behind, it does not leave the place, and people superficially cannot pass. He is with these ' ' tipos' ' that our brave inspectors of the transit the Azulzinhos- have to coexist daily. He is with ' ' tipo' ' as this, that if finds, that we, good citizens beat of front when we request ticket and are not taken care of. When garages of Brazil in the Big hole line up its cars advancing without respecting the five meters in the esquinas, making with that drivers whom they need to cross the Avenue are without vision! When they park in double line in any place. When stopping on of the band for pedestrian! Even though in the exit of the college where they would have to give the example, they are the worse models for its proper children! Poor of the traffic warden if to try to apply the law.

That law? Folgados are included equally in this band of, the strong cars; some vans of pertaining to school transport; some taxistas that simply stop in double line and still open its doors and carry luggages, atravancando everything. Collective the urban ones that instead of stopping a little before they prefer to invade a space that will go to hold the flow of vehicles all as if nothing some had importance! (esquina of Brazil with General Neto, for example) It is more than what in the hour of moralizar everything this, after all technology you are welcome only advances if the culture not to suffer a urgent metamorphosis, nor that for this either necessary to ache in the pocket of these bad citizens if is that of the one to call citizen that one that places us at risk daily! However, congratulations one more time to the Inspectors of the transit despite without endorsement some to make to be valid to such of the constitution. Jose R. Berton Journalist

To Vote With Vigor

Valuation of the vote the social transformations that Brazil needs depend on decisions politics. However, as many Brazilian governing, in order to keep the ignorance to remain in the power, do not invest in education, many people if they alienate and they do not understand that the vote, beyond an obligation, is a conquest that must be valued. In this direction, to vote in correct way, exerting the citizenship in search it collective well-being, is necessary to search intently and critically ‘ ‘ curriculum vitae’ ‘ of the candidates and the history of the political parties which they are tied, aiming at to choose that one that in more legitimate way can represent the interests of the nation and work for the socioeconmico development of the country. He urges, therefore, the necessity to acquire knowledge the citizens concerning the importance of the democratic vote and the accompaniment of the decisions politics that the candidates assume after elect, therefore of this form all will get essential benefits to the formation of a native land socially organized..


We are living deeply a proposal innovative and that it has called the attention all the country, raised quarrels and commentaries of support of the presidenciveis, too much candidates the majority positions and of the legislative ones: State, District and Federal, for if presenting as the hope for the violence questions that devastate our country, over all in the great centers, where the traffic of drugs created true feudals and where they had established its small ones, but well armed and violent ‘ ‘ exrcitos’ ‘. This proposal innovative, cited in my previous article, UPPs is called (Units of Policy Peacemakers), that in set with excessively public, over all the social ones politics, they present new ‘ ‘ norte’ ‘ for the public security. With the expulsion of the dealers of the communities ‘ ‘ pacificadas’ ‘ for program UPP, the questionings appear: For where are going these individuals? That measures are being studied on this subject? Which alternatives are postam so that such demands are decided? In mine still beginning career in the field of the public security I fear that the effect of the expulsions provoked for the UPPs phenomenon in the capital of Rio De Janeiro, all make with that crime only is exported to Lowered Of the state of Rio de Janeiro and the too much localities of the region of the Great River, becoming this effort in only one to push the problem with the belly. A solution that the civil society comes presenting and that it has earned, to the few, space in the so busy time of our parliamentarians and managers, is the amnesty for dealers who are made use to release crime. As always, our recent democratic history comes if writing more for the fights of the civil society that for governmental movements.

Electrical Wire

Let’s try to understand the types of wires and their purpose. Electrical wire – is isolated or bare conductors of electrical current, consisting of one or more wires (copper or aluminum) for the electrical installation of hidden or open wiring. Insulated wires can be protected, that is, having an additional envelope for sealing and protection from external influences, and unprotected. The first group includes pbpp, punp, pugnp, pva, apunp, and the second – PV1, apv, appv, PV3, ppv, appvs. Bare wire is supposed to apply only to air lines – A, as. Electrical cables – one or multiple twisted insulated wires (copper or aluminum), united in a common shell, which may be rubber, plastic or metal. The main thing is that it prevents the metal from moisture, light, chemical, and mechanical effects. People such as Richard Blumenthal would likely agree.

Power cable – avvg, VVGng, vvg, nym, flexible power – kg, reag. Cable is called armored, if it has an additional protective shell consisting of steel bands, flat or round wire – AVBbShv, VBbShv, VBbShng. The same happens to the cable sheath of paper and food – ASBl, sbl, AAShv. To attach the cable to the dispensing devices or appliances, by its end processing. When connecting cables with each other must use the sleeve construction.

Industry produces hundreds of kinds of wires, which differ from each other as a section of copper or aluminum wire, and the type of insulation. Each type made for well-defined conditions. It is clear that the cables installed in the ground, might not require such isolation, as for what is used in house wiring. In wet areas requires one isolation at elevated temperature – other.

The Investment

To restore the right to him of subsistence to the settlers and sovereigns of the river and to take tending urgent measures to the establishment from policies for the prevention and protection are a urgent necessity, that it justifies the existence of a sectional institutionality like the proposal by the managers of the project, stops that it makes cash established in article 43 of the law 99 that it looks for to guarantee the viability of all those projects that entail the use and advantage of the water without concerns their aim or destination All project that involves in its execution the use of the water, seizure of directly natural sources, is well for human consumption, recreation, irrigation or any other industrial or farming activity, will have to destine, not less than a 1% of the total of the investment for the recovery, preservation and monitoring of the hydrographic river basin that feeds the respective hydric source the proprietor of the project will have to invest this 1% in works and action of recovery, preservation and conservation of the river basin that determine in the environmental license of the project But in addition makes indispensable create a stamp like environmental tax at departmental level by means of decree to all the companies and boats that of one or the other form explode and they contaminate to the river by the perimeter of the new being. Paradoxical and the unacceptable thing is that while this zone acclaims solutions of the water problem by floods, that is to say, excess and it cries envelope, who the unique thing that obtains is to increase its volume, failing to take advantage of it, other near regions as are the departments of guajira and stopping, the problem is by defect, until the point to have itself that to implant irrigation districts to operate the land and to assure hydric sources consumption towards the future. Paulo Coelho usually is spot on. . .